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Green government leader visits Germany's largest refinery

One third of every liter of gasoline in Germany comes from Karlsruhe. Green politicians raised the issue during a visit about possible future paths and became informed about the challenges.

Andreas Krobjilowski, MiRO-Chef, showed Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) Germany's...
Andreas Krobjilowski, MiRO-Chef, showed Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) Germany's largest oil refinery.

energy transition - Green government leader visits Germany's largest refinery

Green politicians at fossil energies: Baden-Württemberg's Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann explored the challenges of the largest refinery in Germany, in Karlsruhe, regarding the Energy Transition. Green hydrogen plays a crucial role, it was stated. "It must be reliable, available in sufficient quantities, and competitively priced."

Kretschmann praised that the Mineral Oil Refinery Oberrhein (MiRO) worked closely with research institutions on alternatives to fossil energy carriers. Transport State Secretary Elke Zimmer (Greens) said in a statement: "For more climate protection in traffic, we need renewable fuels, so-called reFuels. They are central for all areas where electrification does not provide reasonable solutions."

One third of every liter of gasoline in Germany comes from Karlsruhe

Andreas Krobjilowski, spokesperson for the MiRO management, emphasized: "For investment in climate protection, calculable perspectives and the prospect of sustainable business models are necessary, which can only be created by a clear and reliable regulatory framework from legislators." It is important for Baden-Württemberg to exert its influence on federal and especially EU levels.

Krobjilowski also highlighted the significance of the refinery site in Karlsruhe for energy supply in the Southwest. According to the information, around ten million people are supplied with fuels and heating oil, and around 40,000 Karlsruhe households with district heating from the production processes daily. MiRO products statistically covered about 40% of the primary energy demand in Baden-Württemberg.

One third of every liter of gasoline in Germany comes from Karlsruhe. In 2023, processing was approximately at the previous year's level: Around 13.5 million tons of mineral oil products were sent to consumers – including 4.6 million tons of gasoline, 4.1 million tons of diesel, and 2.2 million tons of light heating oil.

  1. Winfried Kretschmann expressed his enthusiasm for the future of energy transition, as the Mineral Oil Refinery Oberrhein (MiRO) in Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, is actively seeking alternatives to fossil energy carriers in collaboration with research institutions.
  2. The Energy Transition presents challenges for the largest refinery in Germany, located in Karlsruhe, as green hydrogen must be reliable, available in sufficient quantities, and competitively priced to effectively replace fossil fuels.
  3. Every Winter, around ten million people in the Southwest are supplied with fuels and heating oil, and approximately 40,000 households in Karlsruhe receive district heating, all from the production processes at the Mineral Oil Refinery Oberrhein (MiRO).
  4. Germany's Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann advocates for exerting influence on federal and EU levels to support the refinery's future, as it provides one third of every liter of gasoline in the country.

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