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Grasping Signs of Suicidal Ideations and Appropriate Responses

Annually, around 9,000 individuals in Germany lose their lives through suicide. At what point do suicidal thoughts pose a threat – and why discussing such matters is vital in these situations.

Approximately half of the individuals attempting suicide grapple with intense depression.
Approximately half of the individuals attempting suicide grapple with intense depression.

- Grasping Signs of Suicidal Ideations and Appropriate Responses

Every roughly 57 minutes, somebody in Germany succumbs to suicide, equating to over 9,000 individuals annually. This figure surpasses fatalities from road accidents, illegal drugs, and violent crimes combined. Yearly, there are approximated 100,000 to 150,000 suicide attempts in Germany, with worldwide estimates estimating around 700,000 individuals.

These statistics are discouraging. For many decades, suicide has remained among the leading causes of death among younger generations; nonetheless, society has yet to implement adequately effective prevention measures.

19 years ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated September 10th as World Suicide Prevention Day. Since then, an annual large-scale awareness campaign takes place on this day.

The Taboo of Mental Health Issues

However, a single day isn't enough, according to Amelie Schwierholz, project leader of the "Friends for Life" association, who spoke to stern: "The most crucial aspect for suicide prevention is breaking the taboo surrounding mental health issues."

Schools are particularly significant in this respect. "There are regular awareness campaigns about alcohol and drugs, but what occurs when our psyche suffers and how to manage it isn't taught to children and young people," says the expert.

The "Friends for Life" association has been addressing mental health, depression, and suicide among young people and young adults since 2001. Their fundamental belief is that suicide prevention can be achieved through disseminating information about warning signs, help availability, and therapy options.

When Prevention Measures Fall Short

Even Prof. Dr. Barbara Schneider, chief physician of the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the LVR Clinic in Cologne and head of the National Suicide Prevention Program for Germany (NaSPro), is actively involved in the quest to lower the suicide rate. "Besides universal suicide prevention, we need specific approaches to risk groups and fitting aftercare for individuals who have already attempted suicide."

While these measures are implemented across Germany, they do not always prove effective: According to a study led by psychology professor Tobias Teismann, published in the "German Journal of Health Research," 22.4 percent of those affected attempt suicide again within five years.

The likelihood of a successful suicide attempt also varies based on gender, according to the data. Men account for 75 percent of suicides, but the number of suicide attempts is significantly higher among women. "One reason for this is that men frequently employ more violent methods and are less likely to be rescued," explains Amelie Schwierholz.

Suicidal thoughts are not uncommon. According to various surveys, approximately 70 to 80 percent of Germans have contemplated taking their own life at some point. However, "extensive meditation on life and death does not yet denote an immediate risk of suicide," says psychiatrist Barbara Schneider. But if one loses control over suicidal thoughts or they become more concrete, perhaps even forming preliminary suicide plans, it's essential to seek help.

Similarly to depression, when it comes to suicidal thoughts, if the distress persists for at least 14 days, it's vital to act. Intriguingly, the cause of suicidal thoughts often stems from depression. Around 60% of individuals who commit suicide had severe depression prior to their death. Consequently, prompt preventive measures are even more crucial.

However, those affected often face a challenge – the substantial shortage of therapy seats funded by health insurance in Germany. Individuals and organizations in Germany have long been advocating for an increase in the number of psychotherapy seats, aiming to make access to psychotherapy easier for those affected. "Currently, patients sometimes have to wait half a year for their therapy to commence," says Amelie Schwierholz of "Friends for Life." "A period during which the condition might worsen," she adds. In this regard, it's evident: "The earlier those affected receive help, the more likely it is that suicides can be averted."

Psychiatrist Barbara Schneider therefore advises, during an interview with the stern, "[For those needing urgent help] turn to a clinic or hotlines such as the telephone counseling service. There, one can receive prompt, low-threshold assistance until long-term therapy becomes possible."

What Aids with Suicidal Thoughts

Regarding help for those affected, the two experts concur: Talking is the most valuable tool. "This means, even if you only have a faint suspicion that someone has suicidal thoughts, you should always address it – of course, with suitable tact," says Schneider.

People with suicidal thoughts require empathy and open attention more than anything. However, many family members then opt to stay silent due to fearing not finding the appropriate words. But talking is always the correct choice. This asserts to the affected individual that they are not alone.

Initially, one should maintain concrete solutions or potential problem-solving options for the affected person to themselves. "Because the other person in the current emergency situation may not be able to accept them," explains psychiatrist Barbara Schneider. "It's imperative to comprehend that individuals with suicidal thoughts solely see this one way out at the moment and not the entire range of possibilities that others in the same situation might see."

For individuals unfamiliar with suicidal ideations, it can be tough to grasp their complexity. Consequently, it's crucial to tackle talks with those grappling with such thoughts in an unbiased manner, giving due regard to their emotions and perspectives. As Amelie Schwierholz puts it, "Suicidal thoughts frequently stem from an overwhelming sense of despair." If you're convinced that life has lost its purpose and you've begun crafting definite suicide plans, it's essential to open up to someone and seek assistance.

Unfortunately, these thoughts can be challenging for others to detect. As Schwierholz suggests, shifts in behavior might indicate suicidal tendencies. "Affected individuals might sleep excessively or scarcely, eat too little or too much, and indulge in self-destructive actions. These are distress signals that merit serious consideration."

Moreover, those who attempt suicide often share their intentions prior to acting. Typically, this is the case. Nevertheless, there are instances where individuals withdraw. In such scenarios, as psychiatrist Schneider explains, most continue sending indirect signals regarding their distress or suicide plans. They could display unusual levels of gratitude or seem content on the exterior, despite recent bouts of depression.

The Need for Suicide Prevention

In Germany annually, around 9,000 individuals choose to take their own lives. This translates to 9,000 preventable deaths in theory. However, society still faces numerous challenges in this area.

That's why World Suicide Prevention Day carries significant importance. It serves as a reminder that every life is worth fighting for, even when our own lives feel devoid of meaning. And when all seems lost, help is always within reach.

Source: Research by Tobias Teismann, Friends for Life, Germany's National Suicide Prevention Program

The designation of September 10th as World Suicide Prevention Day by the World Health Organization 19 years ago is a significant step towards raising awareness about suicide. Despite this annual campaign, Amelie Schwierholz, the project leader of the "Friends for Life" association, emphasizes that breaking the taboo surrounding mental health issues is crucial for effective suicide prevention.

The annual number of suicide attempts in Germany is alarmingly high, with around 100,000 to 150,000 individuals attempting suicide each year. World Suicide Prevention Day is an opportunity to reaffirm the importance of tackling this issue and promoting mental health awareness throughout the year.

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