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Graduation ceremony at Berlin school is called off due to pending demonstration.

Anticipation of Civil Unrest

The flag of Palestine is waved at a pro-Palestinian rally in February.
The flag of Palestine is waved at a pro-Palestinian rally in February.

Graduation ceremony at Berlin school is called off due to pending demonstration.

A group of aspiring graduates from a high school in Berlin, known as the Tiergarten Gymnasium, had intended to turn their graduation ceremony into a political rally, advocating for Palestine. Unfortunately, the authorities nipped this plan in the bud, cancelling the event, as reported by several media outlets.

A police spokeswoman confirmed the cancellation and shared the reason provided by the school administration. Apparently, a significant number of students, approximately half, had planned to stage confrontational demonstrations during the graduation party on July 5, with a particular focus on supporting the Palestinian cause.

According to B.Z. and Bild, these students had organized themselves in a WhatsApp group and planned to use their diploma collection ceremony as a platform for their protests. The school administration was concerned about potential disruptions during the formal diploma distribution ceremony and, given the inherent risk, had to cancel the event.

The graduates and their parents were informed about the change in plans by a letter from the school administration and the school social worker. The school administration chose not to comment on the situation, instead deferring to the Senate Educational Administration.

Upon being informed about the incident through the press, the Senate Educational Administration promptly activated school supervision and expressed its intention to work alongside the school to ensure a suitable setting for the diplomas' handover. A spokesperson for the administration explained that their goal was to collaborate with the school to make sure the diploma distribution takes place in an appropriate context.

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