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Governor: Russian general killed in battles in Ukraine

Russian war of aggression

Fighting continues, particularly in the south and east of
Fighting continues, particularly in the south and east of

Governor: Russian general killed in battles in Ukraine

According to Russian reports, a high-ranking Russian general has been killed in the fighting in Ukraine. Brigadier General Vladimir Savadsky "died at a combat post in the area of the special operation", the governor of the Voronezh region, Alexander Gusev, announced on the online service Telegram.

The governor did not provide any further details on the circumstances of the general's death. Savadsky was a commander in the Russian Northern Fleet.

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The governor's announcement sparked controversy in Ukraine, as many see it as a significant loss for the Russian forces involved in the War of aggression. The Death of Brigadier General Vladimir Savadsky marks a rare instance of a high-ranking Russian officer being killed in the conflict. The Russian government has not acknowledged the involvement of its troops in constructing a fence along the Ukrainian border, despite claims from Ukraine's military.


