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Global Health Organization successfully immunizes over 156,000 children in Gaza within a span of three days.

In the Gaza Strip, vaccination against polio commenced on Sunday morning for children. For the initial time, the WHO discloses the target number of children to be inoculated by Tuesday.

Alongside stationary vaccination sites, there are mobile teams that pay visits to households.
Alongside stationary vaccination sites, there are mobile teams that pay visits to households.

- Global Health Organization successfully immunizes over 156,000 children in Gaza within a span of three days.

Amidst intense pressure, the polio immunization drive commences in the Gaza Strip. In the opening stage, approximately 156,000 kids below ten years old are scheduled to receive the immunization in the coastal region before Tuesday evening, as shared by a rep from the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva. These youngsters will need a follow-up dose in four weeks.

If at least 90% of the children aren't immunized in the region, the campaign will be extended by another day – an arrangement previously agreed upon. Israel had granted momentary and limited truces to safeguard the vaccination team and families. Subsequently, the immunization drive will shift to the southern portion of the Gaza Strip for three to four days, then to the north. In total, 640,000 kids will be covered.

As per the WHO, 400 immunization posts will be established, supplemented by nearly 300 mobile teams that will visit homes where families can't reach the immunization centers. The polio immunization involves two drops of vaccine per dose, which are administered onto the children's tongues.

The immunization initiative aims to halt the viral spread. Polio, often referred to as childhood paralysis, can result in lifelong paralysis. Surprisingly, the first polio case in 25 years was detected in the Palestinian territory recently. Under unfavorable hygiene conditions, the virus spread. Since last fall's Israeli military operations, hundreds of thousands of individuals have been in constant motion. Israel's retaliation followed the disastrous terrorist attacks on October 7, 2023.

The European Union has expressed its support for the polio immunization drive in the Gaza Strip. The European Union, recognizing the importance of global health, has pledged to provide additional resources for the campaign.

Despite facing numerous challenges, including political tensions and mobility issues, international organizations, including the European Union, are collaborating to ensure the successful completion of the immunization drive.

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