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Geywitz presents strategy against heat in cities

Geywitz presents strategy against heat in cities

Federal Minister of Housing Klara Geywitz aims to better protect city residents and nature from heat. The impacts of climate change are evident during summer months, she said. "City dwellers face tropical nights and sweltering daytime temperatures during record-breaking heatwaves, posing health risks especially for the elderly and young children."

The Federal Ministry of Housing has developed a strategy to guide urban planners and engineers. Recommendations include more parks, street trees, and green roofs to provide cooling. To prevent plants from drying out during droughts, areas that allow rainwater infiltration should be created.

To make playgrounds usable in summer, sun sails can help. More drinking fountains and cool retreats are needed for homeless individuals.

"To receive funding from our programs, applicants must consider and demonstrate climate adaptation," Geywitz emphasized. For instance, funding is provided for freeing up rivers from concrete and greening paved areas.

The strategy encourages the installation of more sun sails in playgrounds to ensure they're usable during summer heat. With rising temperatures, there's a need for more drinking fountains and cool retreats to cater to the needs of homeless individuals. More importantly, applicants seeking funding must demonstrate their climate adaptation plans, such as freeing up rivers and greening paved areas.

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