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Germany's kids' academic achievements are predominantly influenced by the home environment of their parents.

Government Statistics Agency Reports Data

The chance of going to a grammar school depends heavily on the parental home.
The chance of going to a grammar school depends heavily on the parental home.

Germany's kids' academic achievements are predominantly influenced by the home environment of their parents.

The educational achievements of German kids are deeply influenced by their parental upbringing. In 2021, as per the Federal Statistical Office report issued on Thursday, a surprising 56% of adults aged 25 to 65, who had at least one parent with a university degree, also held a university degree. Conversely, among individuals with parents who only had a vocational qualification or the general qualification for university entrance, a mere 19% earned a university degree. Notably, the percentage of adults with parents having merely secondary school certificates stood at a lowly 12%, while those with unskilled parents amounted to only 12%.

The statisticians defined a person as formally unskilled if they possess neither a vocational qualification nor the general qualification for university entrance, but at most a secondary school leaving certificate. In 2022, 17% of the 25-65 age bracket in Germany fell into this category, which translates to 2.8 million people. This meant that approximately 40% of the adults originate from families lacking such qualifications. However, it was highlighted that this percentage significantly reduces with an increase in the educational level of the parents. Among parents with vocational qualifications or general admission qualifications, merely 7% of their offspring were without such qualifications. It was a mere 3% for kids from academic households.

Evident disparities in educational backgrounds are also observed in terms of immigration history. In Germany, children from two immigrant parents had fewer university degrees (19%) compared to those without an immigration background (25%). Surprisingly, they were more likely to be formally unskilled (23% versus 10%). The statisticians attributed these discrepancies to the lower average educational level of immigrant parents. Interestingly, the educational level of adults who moved to Germany as minors is reportedly higher the younger they were when they immigrated.

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