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Germany transforms into a summer stage for identity politics debates

Contending Persons in Melancholic Stances

Jonathan Tah and Antonio Rüdiger are the undisputed boss duo in the German central defense, also...
Jonathan Tah and Antonio Rüdiger are the undisputed boss duo in the German central defense, also known as the "defensive monsters". Robert Andrich can only stare.

Germany transforms into a summer stage for identity politics debates

Inconsistencies? There isn't any within the National Team! For example, when I was a wealthiest resident living in Munich-Bogenhausen, among welfare recipients, and not in Berlin-Neukölln during Germany's defeat of Hungary, the former world power, allied with Austria. I was running for an hour along the banks of Schlachtensee and Krumme Lanke, aiming to enjoy the Grunewald in solitude, to be honest, for my own self. I almost achieved this, if not for a woman with two large dogs, a cyclist, and another park runner, who seemed to have the same intentions as I.

I was unaware of the outcome of the battle for football dominance in Europe when I returned home, and I attempted to deduce it from the number of German flags and banners, from noises and faces.

Fluttering German Flags

However, only one vehicle carried the black, red, and gold colors, no one was honking, and the pubs I passed seemed to be inhabited only by Hungarians or indifferent folk. The patrons looked neither happy nor confidently into the world, but rather fearful and displeased, which was incongruent with the "Whiff of a Fairy Tale Summer" that was being publicized and written about everywhere.

In fact, my feeling in 2006 was different; I had experienced Berlin much more cheerfully and relaxed at that time. The tension is back, as well as the discussions about healthy and unhealthy patriotism. Should one display the German flag proudly? Of course. Or rather not. We are all Germans. Whether a wealthy resident in Munich-Bogenhausen with fair skin or a young Muslim in Berlin-Neukölln, whose parents rely on welfare - we are all one nation. Or not? Germany. A tale of identity politics.

"This team is truly exceptional. Imagine if there were only Caucasian German players," exclaimed Katrin Göring-Eckart, the Vice President of the Bundestag, a Green Party member, during X. I don't know why the woman didn't drop the unnecessary racial categorization of humans based on skin color and simply wrote: "Bravo, lads. Win the title!" Then, she would have had to be summoned by the cunning FDP man Wolfgang Kubicki to delete the message, which Frau Göring-Eckart eventually did, of course - that's all part of the political ritual - accompanied by an apology: "I'm sorry for how I phrased it. I was annoyed that 21% of Germans prefer more 'Whites' in the National Team. I am proud of this team and wish we could convince the 21% as well."

We are Tah. Or what?

(Note: The text seems to be incomplete, as there is a missing sentence or paragraph after the last quote.)

Arousing racists and everyday racists of the modern world with the fantasy of "only Caucasian German players" is a daring attempt, as it echoes the image of a Nazi. It is unlikely that he thinks: Ah, yes, there are immigrants not only at the checkout counter at Aldi, in hospitals and at DHL, but also in the football national team. So what then? Do the 21% drop to 0.5% and the AfD results match? (No wonder that political smear artists like me only acknowledge mediocre intelligence in politicians.)

It is rarely this empty at Grunewaldsee in Berlin.

The Vice President of the Bundestag, whom I should remind you still hasn't responded to my application to be the Parliamentary Poet, quoted National Player Jonathan Tah under her apology: "We are Tah. But we are also Müller and Gündoğan. And we pursue the same goal." It's easy to say, if you live in a bubble as a wealthy resident among welfare recipients, surrounded by other wealthy residents, who every two years position themselves at the EM and WM with "One love"- or "Two Love"- or "Lots of Love"-bands and hardly speak out on social-political issues, so that the club doesn't have any unnecessary trouble - football comes first.

"We pursue the same goal." I assume, Mr. Tah meant, winning the European championship. Or making the world a better place. Or earning more money with football. No envy, Mr. Columnist! It's funny that it's Frau Göring-Eckart and her "One Love" Greens who want to tax the "Rich," "Wealthy," and "Income Millionaires" more. Affected would be all the brave players who are just making it through the group stage with the Hammer group against hammer opponents like Scotland and Hungary, to improve Germany's reputation.

Player Talent and Player Wives

Mrs. Göring-Eckart could demand this of X: "This team is truly exceptional. Imagine, the income millionaires would now also pay more taxes." Or she would get excited about the language in football - the Greens always care about the correct choice of words. "If you have such player talent like the English," explained an "expert" on TV. People as talent. That sounds like slave trading or war. Postcolonialism is indeed a specialty of the Greens. The same goes for feminism. There's a lot to say about the media's push, for example, on the lives of the footballers' partners.

Oh boy, the term "Football Wives" just won't go away, portraying these ladies as nothing more than props for the men. The coverage of "Football Wives" feels antiquated, reminiscent of Victorian times. "They are the sturdy supports of successful men," I overheard. Basically, it's high time for some fresh faces in the world of "Football Wives." Huh?! Some women "choose to stay modest in the shadows," which brings up a question: how can one stay in the shadows without being modest?

Indication of the argument: Some "girlfriend" of a football player "doesn't even have a public Instagram account." Is that now brave, or sad, or just apathetic?

Now, let's lighten up things a bit. I visit this place every fortnight, but I gotta say, the chilly gusts of this place have blown into some of my writings, much colder than I'd prefer. I didn't shy away from moderating and filtering what appeared to be incompatible with the German spirit. Before someone accuses me of selling out the homeland, let me remind you, as Heine once said, "Plant the black-red-gold flag on the pinnacle of the German mind, make it the banner of free humanity, and I will give my utmost heart's blood for it."

Now relax, I love the homeland as much as you do. And just imagine, if there were no me. The world would be less complex.

But yes, the joy is slowly taking hold!

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