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Germany is in the middle in integrating Ukraine refugees into the labor market

In European comparison

In the integration of Ukrainian refugees, Germany ranks merely in the middle in Europe.
In the integration of Ukrainian refugees, Germany ranks merely in the middle in Europe.

Germany is in the middle in integrating Ukraine refugees into the labor market

Germany is in the middle of integrating Ukrainian refugees into the labor market in Europe, according to a study by the Institute for Labor Market and Vocational Research (IAB) in Nuremberg.

Germany therefore reached an integration rate of 27 percent at the beginning of 2024. Europe-wide, Lithuania leads with 57 percent, followed by Denmark (53 percent) and Poland (48 percent). Countries like Finland, Norway, Romania, and Spain have the lowest quotas with less than 20 percent.

"Countries with high demand for low-skilled labor have higher employment rates," says IAB sector leader Yuliya Kosyakova, who is herself from Ukraine. These jobs require fewer linguistic and other prerequisites and can be filled more quickly.

The integration rate of midfield positions in the German labor market for Ukrainian refugees is also significantly higher due to the high demand for unskilled labor. Comparatively, Ukraine-Refugees in Germany have a smoother integration process in certain sectors compared to their counterparts in countries like Spain or Romania. As I navigate through the labor market, I have noticed the importance of swift integration for both refugees and the host country.

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