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Germans are divided on the Wagenknecht party

Should the BSW be part of the government?

Sahra Wagenknecht and party colleagues on their way to the press conference after the European...
Sahra Wagenknecht and party colleagues on their way to the press conference after the European elections.

Germans are divided on the Wagenknecht party

When the three eastern German state elections took place in September, it could become difficult to form democratic majorities. Should the Left then govern in coalition with the BSW? Germans are divided on this issue.

In three eastern German federal states, elections are held after the summer holidays, and surveys, as well as voting behavior in the European election, indicate a major problem: It could be difficult to form democratic majorities in Saxony, Thuringia, and Brandenburg.

Therefore, the debate has arisen in the CDU in the past week about whether, after the upcoming state elections, coalitions with the Alliance 90/The Greens (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen - BSW) should be considered. CDU leader Friedrich Merz has clearly spoken out against this on the federal level. However, many Christians Democrats view it differently on the state level.

Germans are divided on this issue. Forty-four percent of the Federal citizens are of the opinion that the CDU and SPD should form coalitions with the BSW, provided the newly founded party enters the parliaments in Thuringia, Saxony, and Brandenburg. Forty-two percent argue that the CDU and SPD should exclude government coalitions with the BSW. Fourteen percent have no opinion.

Majorities in favor of an opening of the CDU and SPD for government coalitions with the BSW speak out with 62 percent among the East Germans, the supporters of the AfD (52 percent), and particularly the supporters of the BSW itself (83 percent). Among the supporters of the Union parties, slightly more are against (47 percent) than for (41 percent) government coalitions with the BSW. Of the SPD supporters, slightly more speak in favor (47 percent) than against (41 percent) a possible coalition in Eastern Germany. A clear majority against coalitions with the BSW is found among the supporters of the Greens, with 55 percent.

Data from the RTL/ntv Trendbarometer were collected by the Market and Opinion Research Institute Forsa on behalf of RTL Germany on June 14 and 17. Sample size: 1003 respondents. Statistical error margin: plus/minus 3 percentage points.

Further information on Forsa here.
Forsa Surveys for RTL Germany.

In the upcoming state elections in Thuringia, Saxony, and Brandenburg, surveys suggest a potential issue in forming democratic majorities. The debate over coalition possibilities with the BSW, a newly founded party, has emerged within the CDU. While 44% of Germans believe the CDU and SPD should form coalitions with the BSW, provided they enter the parliaments, 42% are against it. Data from the RTL/ntv Trend Barometer indicates 83% of BSW supporters, 55% of Greens supporters, and 41% of SPD supporters favor coalition possibilities in Eastern Germany, compared to 41% and 47% among Union parties and CDU supporters, respectively.

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