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German politicians pay respect to Biden's withdrawal

Approximately three months before the US election, Joe Biden drops out of the US Presidency race. This move is recognized in Germany.

German politicians respect Biden's withdrawal from the US presidency
German politicians respect Biden's withdrawal from the US presidency

US Election - German politicians pay respect to Biden's withdrawal

German politicians pay respect to US President Joe Biden for his withdrawal from the presidency race. "Joe Biden served his country impressively as president, and he does so even with this step. My greatest respect!", wrote the Green Party chairwoman Ricarda Lang on X.

Biden made a mistake by running again late, but he corrected it in time, wrote the CDU foreign policy politician Norbert Röttgen on X. "That also deserves the greatest respect. The Democratic Party now has the chance to turn the campaign around again."

In the upcoming US Election 2024, political parties in Germany are closely watching the Presidential race, as the US-President, regardless of who it is, holds significant influence globally. Berlin, the capital of Germany, has traditionally been a city of diplomatic ties with the United States of America, and political leaders often express their opinions on US elections. Despite Joe Biden's decision to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race, his contribution to US politics as a former US-President remains considerable, and his party, the Democrats, still has a chance to shape the election's outcome. Norbert Röttgen, a prominent CDU foreign policy politician in Germany, commended Joe Biden for recognizing his late entry into the race and choosing to step down, showing respect for democratic processes within the United States.

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