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German Navy exercises off Hawaii - Protecting freedom of the seas

What is the German Navy doing in the Pacific at the world's largest naval exercise? The defense minister is preparing Germany for a larger role in safeguarding law and freedom.

- German Navy exercises off Hawaii - Protecting freedom of the seas

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius emphasized Germany's greater responsibility for protecting international rules in the geopolitically important Indo-Pacific region. Stability and security in this part of the world and in Europe are closely connected, the SPD politician said during a visit to the memorial site of the U.S. naval base Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. "One is not conceivable without the other," said Pistorius, who also met German soldiers participating in the U.S.-led maritime exercise Rimpac.

Rimpac is "the world's largest maritime exercise"

The German Armed Forces are participating in the exercise for the first time with the frigate "Baden-Württemberg" and the supply ship "Frankfurt am Main". A total of 29 nations, 25,000 soldiers and 42 "at sea units", including an aircraft carrier, three submarines, seven supply ships and 200 military aircraft, are involved in the exercise.

The scenario involves an aggressor named "Orion" threatening the peaceful "Griffon", attacking civilian shipping, disregarding UN Security Council resolutions and eventually attacking "Griffon" over the weekend. The Rimpac forces intervene and a 12-hour simulated naval battle is the current highlight of the military engagement.

The fact that two old U.S. ships placed as targets were also shot at is one of the practical experiences that German naval soldiers cannot gain at home. The "Baden-Württemberg" also fired on one of the ships, which eventually sank heavily damaged in the water.

In previous years, China and Russia also participated in the exercise, which was first organized in 1971. This time, China was present with a naval vessel in international waters as a silent observer of the developing scenario. This is not an incident, as China adheres to international rules. However, some other states in the Indo-Pacific region perceive China as a threatening major power.

Pistorius: China is causing unrest in the region

Pistorius noted that China is advancing and asserting its interests in a way that is "causing unrest in the region, causing uncertainty." Germany is expected to provide support even in more distant regions.

"We are the world's third-largest economy and, as such, we have a responsibility, together with many others, to stand up for the international rules-based order and to protect it," he said. "Not against anyone, but simply to make it clear: We are here. We are aware of the value of freedom of the seas, freedom of navigation, and the international rules-based order." Pistorius said. "We do not overestimate ourselves, but we are partners in the region and are perceived and valued as such."

Pistorius pays tribute to U.S. soldiers killed in Pearl Harbor

Pistorius also visited the memorial site built on the water above the wreck of the "USS Arizona", which sank in 1941 after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and is the final resting place for more than 1,000 sailors who were on board at the time. The attack marked a turning point in World War II: The Japanese attack led to the U.S. entering the war on the side of the Allies against the Axis powers of Germany, Italy, and Japan.

Japan surprised the U.S. Pacific Fleet in December 1941 with a sudden attack, nearly destroying it. Around half of the 2,400 American casualties were on the battleship "USS Arizona". The wreck still lies just a few meters below the water's surface, serving as a war grave. In 1962, a white structure was built across the sunken ship, which is now one of Hawaii's top tourist attractions.

The German Navy is participating in the Rimpac exercise along with other nations, with the frigate "Baden-Württemberg" and supply ship "Frankfurt am Main." (from the text)

Germany's participation in the Indo-Pacific region, represented by the German Navy, is crucial in upholding the international rules-based order, especially in light of potential threat perceptions towards China in the region.

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