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German military tanks contributing to the dismantling of Carola Bridge in Germany

A German Bundeswehr M113 armed combat vehicle, often referred to as the 'Buffalo', is positioned at...
A German Bundeswehr M113 armed combat vehicle, often referred to as the 'Buffalo', is positioned at the site of the fallen Carol Bridge in Dresden.

German military tanks contributing to the dismantling of Carola Bridge in Germany

The clock is ticking in Dresden as the remnants of the fallen Carol Bridge dwell in the Elbe, forecasting floods in the coming days. now, the German military is lending a hand in retrieving construction equipment using specialized armored vehicles. As reported by a journalist, these recovery vehicles have been summoned, a request made earlier to the Saxony Command for support. Two robust "Buffel" vehicles are in action, employed primarily for civilian recovery mishaps.

The "Buffel," with its powerful 1,500 horsepower engine, can lift 30 tons using its crane mechanism. Its sturdy chassis mirrors that of a Leopard 2 tank, capable of handling challenges, uprooting soil, and even navigating through water. The Czech fire department had offered assistance, but negotiations with the military were already underway, leading to their offer being declined. Nevertheless, Klahre, a fire department spokesman, expressed immense gratitude for the offer.

Facing the looming flood, time is of the essence at the wrecked section of the Dresden Carol Bridge. "We're really up against it here. Time is of the essence," expressed Klahre at a press conference held at Dresden City Hall. "Our goal is to clear the whole area of bridge section C, excluding the initial collapse." This is meant to avert further damage from the impending flood.

On Thursday evening, the distorted sections of the original bridge portion C, comprising tram tracks and district heating supply lines, were severed. Subsequently, a demolition crew triggered further parts of the bridge to collapse. The proceedings proceeded according to plan, confirmed Simone Prüfer, head of the Streets and Sewers Department.

Four meters anticipated

The wreckage lying on the New Town bank will be compressed and removed by Sunday evening. These operations are estimated to be completed with a projected water level of four meters, dubbed the "demolition scenario," according to Prüfer. The remaining sections on the other bank, the Old Town side, will stay in place initially, unless they crumble spontaneously.

The excavation of the parts that have been in the Elbe since Wednesday is not currently planned. The flood's impact is being analyzed by the state of Saxony. Under the current circumstances, it is not anticipated that the two remaining bridge sections A and B will be affected, said Prüfer. The city of Dresden has announced that the water police will position buoys on the remaining bridge parts in the Elbe to track them during flooding.

Examinations were conducted on the intact trains A and B. "Train B, as we already know and can see, also presents deformations in the 8 to 15 centimeter range." The railing had separated. This was "solely" due to the initial collapse on Wednesday."

The 400-meter-long Carola bridge consisted of three parallel bridge spans. One carried tram tracks, a bike and pedestrian path. The other two housed car lanes. In the early hours of Wednesday, a segment of the span bearing tram tracks collapsed. The incident left no casualties. The two untouched spans of the bridge remain blocked. The extent to which they were affected by the collapse remains unclear.

Heavy Rainfall in the Czech Republic

Heavy rainfall in the Czech Republic is projected to induce a significant surge in the Elbe's water levels in Saxony over the weekend. The alarm stage 1 is anticipated to be reached at the Schöna gauge by Saturday evening, with Dresden following suit early Sunday morning, according to a warning from the state flood center. Riesa is currently forecasted to experience flooding on Sunday, and Torgau on Monday.

"The water levels will continue to climb at an alarming pace, reaching the alarm stage 3," experts state. The highest water levels at the Saxon Elbe gauges are currently expected from Wednesday and Thursday of the subsequent week.

In light of the predicted heavy rainfall in the Czech Republic, extreme weather conditions are expected to cause a significant surge in the Elbe's water levels in Saxony, posing a threat to Dresden. The military, including specialized armored vehicles like the "Buffel," are working diligently to clear the wrecked section of the Carol Bridge, as time is of the essence to avert further damage from the impending flood.

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