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German businesses are increasingly offering work-from-home opportunities for skilled professionals.

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Microsoft is planning improvements when inserting text in Word to fix formatting problems.
Microsoft is planning improvements when inserting text in Word to fix formatting problems.

German businesses are increasingly offering work-from-home opportunities for skilled professionals.

Germany-based firms are progressively providing remote work alternatives to experts in advertising sector. As per a report published by the Bertelsmann Foundation on a Wednesday, the number of online job postings with remote work possibilities has nearly multiplied sixfold over the past five years. This trend, however, varies significantly across professions.

In IT job ads, remote work appears virtually a standard, the study reveals. Among the ten professions with the highest remote work quotas, seven are from the realm of software and IT. For instance, remote work was a listed option in 62% of all job ads for IT application consultants.

On the other hand, remote work opportunities are seldom proposed in a clear manner for craft professions such as butchery, food production, metal fabrication, elderly care, or any other profession involved in these areas.

In summary, the more complicated the task, the more likely it is to find remote work options, as explained by the Foundation. For complex expert tasks, the home office offer skyrocketed from 6.6% in 2019 to 31.9% in 2023. However, for helper and trainee positions, the offer increased from a mere 1.2% in 2019 to 3.7% in 2022 but then dropped to 3.1% in 2023.

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