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German authorities aim to prolong their military intervention in Iraq by an additional twelve months.

By the 31st of January, 2026, the given date refers to.

The German administration is extenting the deployment of the Bundeswehr in Iraq by approximately...
The German administration is extenting the deployment of the Bundeswehr in Iraq by approximately twelve months.

German authorities aim to prolong their military intervention in Iraq by an additional twelve months.

The administration is contemplating a year-long expansion of Germany's military operation in Iraq. This extension was endorsed by the federal cabinet on Wednesday, extending the training and assistance mission until January 31, 2026, as per the comments made by government spokesman Wolfgang Büchner. The roles and responsibilities of this mission largely remain the same, with a maximum deployment of 500 German military personnel.

At present, approximately 285 soldiers and civilians are engaged in various assignments across Iraq, as per Defense Ministry data. The approval from the Bundestag for this mission extension is yet to be secured.

The objective of this mission is to prevent the resurgence of the notorious Islamic State terrorist group, as mentioned by Büchner. This objective is being pursued by strengthening the Iraqi military and security forces to sustainably provide security and stability within the country.

The mission is being extended by 15 months due to September's federal elections, according to Büchner. This provision allows the newly elected Bundestag to deliberate on a potential modified mandate.

Büchner pointed out that the extension was urged by the Iraqi government. However, the United States is currently engaged in negotiations with Baghdad regarding the withdrawal of foreign forces. Büchner was unwilling to speculate on the implications of these talks for the future of the German mission.

The German military has been involved in the worldwide anti-IS campaign since 2015, following the jihadist militia's takeover in Syria and sections of Iraq. Currently, the German military primarily focuses on training military leadership personnel in Baghdad, operates a small field camp in the country's north, and advises the local security forces. The air force is stationed in Jordan, aiding the international alliance against IS with tanker aircraft.

The Federal government's decision to extend the military operation in Iraq was approved by the federal cabinet. The Federal government is working closely with the Iraqi government to prevent the resurgence of the Islamic State terrorist group.

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