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German arms exports skyrocket

A plus of 30 percent

Ukrainian soldiers work on a Leopard 1 A5 main battle tank.
Ukrainian soldiers work on a Leopard 1 A5 main battle tank.

German arms exports skyrocket

Since 2023, there has been a record in military exports. Export authorizations have also significantly increased in the first half of this year due to increasing weapons deliveries to Ukraine as a result of Russia's aggression war against Ukraine.

In the first half of 2024, export authorizations have again significantly increased due to further increasing arms deliveries to Ukraine, totaling at least 7.48 billion Euro in foreign sales. This represents a plus of around 30% compared to the entire first half of 2023.

Two-thirds of the exports (65% or 4.88 billion Euro) are intended for Ukraine, which is being supported by Germany in its defense against Russia. This is evident from an answer by the Economic Ministry in response to a query by Bundestag deputy Sevim Dağdelen from the Left Party (The Left).

Saudi Arabia, with export authorizations worth 132.48 million Euro, is among the top five recipients again after a long time. For the kingdom, which is ruled with an iron fist, a comprehensive weapons export stop had been in effect due to its involvement in the Yemen war and the brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul. The Bundesregierung has now relaxed this weapons export stop. Even the blocking of the delivery of Eurofighter combat jets by Great Britain was lifted.

Many authorizations only for joint projects

The Economic Ministry emphasizes in its answer that the authorizations were only granted for or in connection with joint projects with other EU or NATO partners. Among the first five recipients are Singapore (1.21 billion Euro), India (153.75 million Euro), and Qatar (100.0 million Euro). In the case of India, it is also about reducing the country's dependence on Russian weapons deliveries.

The SPD, Greens, and FDP had agreed in their coalition negotiations to limit arms exports and bring a control law onto the legislative agenda. Then came the great Russian war against Ukraine, which brought about a turnaround in arms policy. The self-imposed ban on arms deliveries to an ongoing war was accepted by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz of the SPD in his "Turning Point" speech on February 27, 2022.

Weapons deliveries to Ukraine are increasing

According to the official government statistics, weapons deliveries worth 2.24 billion Euro for Ukraine were authorized in the first year of the war 2022, including air defense systems and heavy artillery. In 2023, Leopard 2 tanks were added, which the Bundesregierung finally agreed to provide after much hesitation. The export authorizations for Ukraine have increased to 4.4 billion Euro. Already in the first six months of this year, this value has been exceeded. Germany is the second largest arms supplier to Ukraine after the USA.

Due to an uncertain reduction in weapons deliveries to Ukraine, the total volume of arms exports at the end of the year could still reach a new record value. Last year, exports of military goods amounted to 12.2 billion Euros, a figure never reached before. Already after just six months, more than 60 percent of this value has been achieved. Among the approved exports are weapons worth 5.52 billion Euros and other military goods worth 1.96 billion Euros.

The BSW politician Dağdelen sharply criticized the continuing increase: "The massive increase in arms exports to war and crisis areas, not only to Ukraine but also to countries like Saudi-Arabia, is irresponsible and another breach of election promises by the traffic light parties."

  1. Russia's attack on Ukraine has led to increased arms exports, with Germany being a significant contributor, providing armor and other weapons worth 4.88 billion Euro to Ukraine in the first half of 2024.
  2. Despite its involvement in the Yemen war and the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Saudi Arabia has resumed arms exports, with Germany authorizing export authorizations worth 132.48 million Euro for the country.
  3. The BSW politician Sevim Dağdelen critique the escalation of arms exports, stating that the continuous increase in weapon deliveries to war and crisis areas, such as Ukraine and Saudi Arabia, is irresponsible and a breach of election promises by the traffic light parties.
  4. Russia's aggression in Ukraine has resulted in a record in military exports since 2023, with Germany being among the top exporters of arms, including BSW-produced armor, to various countries such as Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, and others, due to politics and joint project agreements.

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