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Geraldine Rauch, President of TU, will not be resigning.

Geraldine Rauch expressed support for contentious posts related to the Gaza conflict via a Like on X, facing backlash as a result. Despite this, the 41-year-old remains adamant about not stepping down.

The President of the Technical University, Geraldine Rauch, remains in office.
The President of the Technical University, Geraldine Rauch, remains in office.

Accusations of anti-Semitism have been made public. - Geraldine Rauch, President of TU, will not be resigning.

The president of Berlin's Technical University, Geraldine Rauch, will continue in her position despite a majority of the institution's Academic Senate calling for her resignation. Rauch, 41, stated, "I have received numerous calls and messages encouraging me to stay, and I won't be resigning."

Rauch is under scrutiny for liking anti-Semitic posts on the platform X. Specifically, she had liked a tweet displaying images of protesters carrying a picture of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu adorned with a swastika. Rauch had since apologized for liking the post, claiming she had focused on the content of the text and overlooked the offensive image. The tweet's author insisted the protesters depicted were Turkish and demanded a truce in Gaza.

Mixed opinions in the Academic Senate

As per reports, thirteen members of the Academic Senate advocated for Rauch's resignation, while twelve opposed it. Nonetheless, the vote does not hold any legal impact. The Senate has not introduced a recall motion, according to Rauch.

"I will work on my mistakes," said Rauch in a statement. "In the Academic Senate, I have proposed measures for a collaborative path forward. The disciplinary proceedings I've initiated will provide a legal evaluation."

It is undetermined whether Rauch will retain her status as president of the Technical University. On Monday, the TU's Curatorium - the governing board - will convene a special meeting regarding the Rauch incident. It is plausible that this committee may rule in favor of her dismissal. However, if this were the case, the matter would be returned to the Academic Senate for deliberation, as per chairwoman Annette Hiller. In the end, the decision on Rauch's future would be decided upon by the Extended Academic Senate.

Rauch intends to safeguard herself against the accusations by pursuing disciplinary action, she said, and to facilitate an unbiased clarification. She also made an apology for liking an anti-Semitic post on the internet and expressed "profound regret." Rauch has also cancelled her social media subscriptions and plans on intensifying the efforts to combat anti-Semitism at the university "not with words, but firm steps."

Read also:

  1. Geraldine Rauch, the president of TU Berlin, faces criticism from some members of the institution's Academic Senate due to her liking of anti-Semitic posts on X, specifically a tweet featuring a swastika next to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's picture.
  2. Despite the Academic Senate's divided opinion on her resignation, with thirteen members advocating for it and twelve opposing it, Geraldine Rauch, the President of Germany's Technical University (TU), has no intention of stepping down.
  3. The future of Geraldine Rauch as the President of TU Berlin remains uncertain as the TU's Curatorium, the governing board, is scheduled to convene a special meeting on Monday to discuss the Rauch incident.
  4. In response to the accusations, Geraldine Rauch, the President of Germany's prestigious Technical University (TU Berlin), has taken steps to safeguard herself and combat anti-Semitism at the university, including pursuing disciplinary action and cancelling her social media subscriptions.
  5. The Berlin Senate, led by Mayor Frank-Walter Steinmeier, has announced its support for the Technical University (TU) President Geraldine Rauch, despite the ongoing controversy involving her liking of an anti-Semitic post on the internet.

