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At a joint fundraising gala last month, George Clooney collected money for Joe Biden.
At a joint fundraising gala last month, George Clooney collected money for Joe Biden.

George Clooney backs Joe Biden

Joe Biden receives important state and government heads at the NATO summit in Washington, but the US capital currently knows only one topic: the mental fitness of the 81-year-old. Few weeks after a joint fundraising gala, Hollywood actor George Clooney is now calling on the 81-year-old US President to withdraw from the campaign.

In the debate about the mental and physical fitness of US President Joe Biden, Hollywood actor George Clooney is now urging the 81-year-old to step down from the campaign. "I love Joe Biden," Clooney writes in an op-ed for the "New York Times." He considers the US President a friend and believes in him. "But the one fight he can't win is against time," Clooney continues. "Leading Democrats, senators, representatives, and other candidates who could lose in November should ask this president to retire voluntarily."

Clooney is one of the most prominent fundraisers for the US Democrats and considers himself a "lifelong Democrat." Just last month, the Hollywood star was co-host of a prominent attended fundraiser in Los Angeles, where former President Barack Obama also participated. According to Biden's campaign team, a record sum of 28 million dollars (25.8 million Euro) was collected.

The physical and mental suitability of Biden has been questioned since his disastrous TV debate performance with his rival Donald Trump at the end of June, even within his own party. Despite clear criticism, Biden, at 81 the oldest President in US history, is reportedly "determined" to remain in the race for the Presidency in November.

Senator raises concerns

Whether he will succeed in this is unclear in the face of growing pressure. The first Democrat in the US Senate, Michael Bennet, openly expressed doubts about Biden's chances of holding on to the White House for the first time. In an interview with CNN, he warned of a landslide victory for Donald Trump that could give Republicans majorities in both chambers of the US Congress. In the November election, not only the Presidency, but also all seats in the House of Representatives and one third of the seats in the Senate are up for grabs.

"I believe Donald Trump is on his way to winning this election," Bennet said. Regarding specific withdrawal demands that some Democrats in the House of Representatives have already made public, Bennet refused to join in. However, his words were unusually drastic: "It's a moral question about the future of our country," Bennet said.

Pelosi evades question

Biden confidant and leading Democratic politician Nancy Pelosi made headlines with a TV interview in which she refused to publicly endorse Biden as the Presidential candidate. "It's up to the President to decide if he runs," she said. "We all encourage him to make this decision, because time is running out."

Upon being asked by the moderator if Biden had reportedly decided to stay in the race, Pelosi evaded the question.

In the US Congress, there is a resumption of session weeks. This means that all parliamentarians of the Democrats are assembled in the US capital. Observers had therefore expected that a critical mass of representatives and senators would quickly align and openly oppose Biden. This has not happened so far, but there is still great unrest within the party.

  1. Despite the concerns raised by some Democrats, including Senator Michael Bennet, who believes that Donald Trump is on his way to winning the 2024 US presidential election and warns of a potential landslide victory, President Joe Biden, at 81, remains determined to run for re-election.
  2. Hollywood actor George Clooney, a prominent fundraiser for the US Democrats, has publicly urged President Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 US presidential election campaign due to his advanced age, stating that he considers Biden a friend and believes in him, but believes that "the one fight he can't win is against time."
  3. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Biden confidante and leading Democratic politician, has refrained from publicly endorsing him as the 2024 US presidential candidate, stating that it is up to the President to decide whether he runs and that the Democrats encourage him to make a decision before time runs out.

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