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Carsten Breuer, Inspector General of the Bundeswehr, speaks at the opening of the Bundeswehr Day in...
Carsten Breuer, Inspector General of the Bundeswehr, speaks at the opening of the Bundeswehr Day in Holzdorf in June.

General Inspector urgently recruits for military service

The Bundeswehr needs new personnel. A solution to this problem would be the reintroduction of conscription. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius of the SPD wants to ensure more reservists with a "new military service" for this purpose.

General Inspector of the Bundeswehr Carsten Breuer has strongly advocated for the conscription model proposed by him and Defense Minister Boris Pistorius of the SPD. "We urgently need a military service because with it, later reserve women and men can be trained, whom we may have to fall back on in a defense scenario," General Breuer told the "Tagesspiegel." The new military service model is also "a signal to the outside" and a "deterrent measure."

Pistorius presented a new model for systematically examining young men for their suitability for military service in June. A return to conscription is not provided for in this model. Instead, young men are to be committed by having them complete a questionnaire about their readiness and ability to serve. Initially, 5000 additional military service personnel are planned to be recruited according to this model. Capacities for examinations are also to be created.

Germany is worth defending

Breuer emphasized that "soon all young men will have to fill out a questionnaire and come into contact with the troops." Regardless, he "wants to appeal to young people in our country to reflect: Am I ready to defend Germany?" He hopes that many will come to the same answer as him: "Our country, our society, and above all our freedom are worth defending."

The General Inspector defended the planned deployment of long-range US rockets on German soil in the "Tagesspiegel." This is not an "aggressive act on our part," but a reaction to the stationing of Russian Iskander-Raketen in Kaliningrad, argued Breuer.

"We had to react counteractively to restore the strategic balance," argued the General. The deployment is "part of a smart deterrence."

Boris Pistorius, the Defense Minister of Germany, is spearheading the push for more reservists in the Bundeswehr. He proposes a "new military service" to achieve this objective, which aligns with the views of General Inspector Carsten Breuer of the Federal Armed Forces Association. Breuer believes that this service is crucial for training future reserve personnel and serves as a deterrent measure in politics.

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