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Gallant: Are prepared for war against Hezbollah

"Working on a political solution"

Galant during a troop visit to Rafah in May.
Galant during a troop visit to Rafah in May.

Gallant: Are prepared for war against Hezbollah

The situation at the Israeli-Lebanese border is threatening to escalate. Israel's Defense Minister Galant stresses that his country does not want to initiate a war. However, they are prepared if the Shia Hisbollah militia has other plans.

Israel's Defense Minister Joav Galant considers a war against the Shia Hisbollah militia in Lebanon undesirable, but his army is prepared for such an eventuality. "We are working on a political solution. That is always the better option," the minister said during a troop visit near Israel's border with Lebanon, according to Israeli media reports. "We are not seeking war, but we are prepared."

If the Hisbollah chooses war, "we know what to do," Galant added. "If they choose peace, we will respond accordingly." Since the beginning of the Gaza War, there have been daily exchanges of gunfire between Israel's army and the Hisbollah in the border area between Israel and Lebanon.

On this Friday, the pro-Iranian militia fired 25 bullets and three drones at Israel, the Israeli military reported. No people were injured. However, some of the rockets caused forest fires. Israel's army reportedly targeted several of the Hisbollah's launch positions in response.

Recently, the fighting has intensified significantly. Several countries, including Germany, have called on their citizens to leave Lebanon once again. It is feared that a potential open war between Israel and Lebanon could expand into a regional conflict involving both Iran and the United States.

Galant's statements echo concerns about potential Wars and conflicts between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, given the escalating tensions at the border. Despite Israel's preference for Politics and a peaceful resolution, the Defense Minister has made clear that they are prepared to respond if Hezbollah chooses war.

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