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Gabriel urges Scholz to engage in talks with the Taliban.

Chancellor Scholz seeks to facilitate the removal of severe criminals to Afghanistan and Syria. A former SPD leader advocates for haste and dialogues with the Islamist Taliban.

Former SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel addresses the Chancellor in a guest article.
Former SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel addresses the Chancellor in a guest article.

Removal of immigrants from the country. - Gabriel urges Scholz to engage in talks with the Taliban.

Previous SPD chief Sigmar Gabriel encourages Chancellor Olaf Scholz to undertake discussions with the Taliban in Afghanistan over bringing his plan of deporting serious offenders into effect. "The federal government has to attempt negotiating with the Taliban to make deportations to Afghanistan legally enforceable," Gabriel penned in a visitor piece for the "Bild am Sonntag." "It must demand from Kabul reliable guarantees that those to be deported won't be tormented or murdered." As well as this, the federal government "should reward nations that take back their citizens if they have no authorization to remain in Germany."

Following the deadly knife assault on a policeman in Mannheim, Chancellor Scholz (SPD) declared his intention to resume the deportation of serious criminals to Afghanistan and Syria. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) is presently reviewing this. With the Taliban back in charge in Kabul since August 2021, there's a deportation ban for Afghans residing in Germany. Warnings are worn against negotiating with the Islamic Taliban, as they may not have recognition and any money provided could then be used to establish terrorist networks in Germany.

Gabriel: Time for a transformation

Gabriel continued, the federal government must also make known that governments refusing to take back their nationals can no more anticipate aid from Germany - not even EU visas for the political and economic elite of these countries.

The former SPD leader declared Scholz too cautious in the deportation debate. "It's high time for Olaf Scholz to proclaim this change," Gabriel penned. "Whom recall his period as Interior Minister in Hamburg: Scholz can be harsh. A minor drawback: Even back then in Hamburg, the change came too late." In reality, it's not hard to comprehend: "Anyone who migrates from abroad to us and perpetrates offences or even murders here forfeits our protection."

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