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G7 issues warning to Iran concerning the dispatch of missiles to Russia

During the celebratory 'Army Day' event, missile-laden vehicles are moving across a military...
During the celebratory 'Army Day' event, missile-laden vehicles are moving across a military compound situated in the northern region of Tehran.

G7 issues warning to Iran concerning the dispatch of missiles to Russia

It's reported that Iran is supplying Russia with Iranian-made rockets, leading the G7 nations to heavily criticize this weapon provision. Despite international pleas to halt, Iran continues to send weapons to Russia, intensifying its military backing of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This is asserted in a joint statement from the foreign ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, the USA, and the EU representative. Russia is using these Iranian weapons to kill Ukrainian civilians and attack critical infrastructure, according to the statement.

Recently, Britain and the US claimed that Russia had received ballistic missiles from Iran. However, the Iranian government denies these allegations. "Iran should cease its immediate support for Russia's illegitimate and unjustified war against Ukraine, and halt the delivery of ballistic missiles, drones, and related technology, which directly endangers the Ukrainian people and European and international security," the statement from the Italian G7 presidency states.

"We remain steadfast in holding Iran responsible for its unacceptable support for Russia's illegal war in Ukraine, which is further eroding global security," Germany, France, and the UK have already imposed new sanctions on Iran, and the EU is also preparing to impose stricter penalties.

U.K.: Iran Enables Precise Strikes Against Ukraine

The UK's Ministry of Defence has published information about the Iranian rockets allegedly given to Russia. They're short-range ballistic missiles of the Fath-360 type, also known as BM-120. Introduced in 2020, these rockets can carry a 150kg warhead up to 120km and hit their target with an alleged precision of 30m.

According to the U.K.'s daily intelligence report from its Ministry of Defence, Russia's capacity to launch precise strikes against the Ukrainian military or civilian infrastructure near the front is enhanced by this. So far, Iran has supplied Russia with hundreds of so-called suicide drones, artillery ammunition, and extensive support for the production of suicide drones for its war against Ukraine, the Britons assert. "The delivery of ballistic missiles is another deepening of the military relationship between Iran and Russia."

The Ukrainian government claims that Russia has launched 8060 Shahed drones, designed in Iran, against Ukraine since the start of the war. Neither Iran nor Russia has issued statements on this. The Ukrainian government first accused the Tehran government of supplying suicide drones to Russia in the autumn of 2022.

In response to these provocative actions, the United Kingdom has joined other G7 nations in condemning Iran's weapon supply to Russia. This harsh criticism follows Iran's persistent delivery of weapons, including short-range ballistic missiles like the Fath-360, to Russia, thereby aiding Russia's assault on Ukraine.

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