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Fugitive Homicide Suspect from Berlin Remains Elusive

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Two-time murderer from Berlin remains on the run
Two-time murderer from Berlin remains on the run

Fugitive Homicide Suspect from Berlin Remains Elusive

The notorious double murderer from Berlin, whose identity remains undisclosed as per justice department announcements on Saturday, is still on the loose. Despite a nationwide manhunt commencing on Thursday afternoon following his unsupervised escape from Tegel detention center, no progress has been made yet.

The offender, who was sentenced to life imprisonment for two murders in 1995, has been a subject of controversy since his trial in November 2001 at a Berlin court. According to a report in "B.Z.", the man was accused of killing two men in October 1995 - one in Berlin and the other in Brandenburg.

Despite being convicted and sentenced, the killer had been allowed regular outings since 2005. This is due to the constitution that requires correctional facilities to provide inmates with relaxations as a means of reintroducing them to regulated life outside prison. So far, there have been no objections to the killer's outings.

Before the killer was granted the freedom to leave unsupervised, an "extensive review procedure" was carried out as per the justice administration. A psychologist's assessment played a crucial role in determining the release. However, the justice administration stated that there were no indications of the prisoner failing to return.

The head of the police union in Berlin, Stephan Weh, finds the escape "alarming," as pointed out in a press release on Saturday. Family safety must be balanced with legal proceedings and rehabilitation without posing any threats to the public. Weh echoed the sentiment that law enforcement will do their utmost to apprehend the escapee as soon as possible and bring him back into custody.

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