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Fuel slightly cheaper in the first half of the year than in 2024

Filling up cheaper in the evening

Fuel slightly cheaper in the first half of the year than in 2024
Fuel slightly cheaper in the first half of the year than in 2024

Fuel slightly cheaper in the first half of the year than in 2024

The prices for fuel at gas stations in Germany were slightly lower in the first half of this year compared to 2023. According to ADAC in Munich, on average, a liter of Super E10 cost 1.788 Euro in the first six months - in the previous year, it was 1.791 Euro. Diesel was 1.6 Cent cheaper in the yearly comparison and cost 1.706 Euro in 2024.

According to ADAC, fuel prices also decreased monthly. The price for E10 was 1.776 Euro on average in June, which was 4.5 Cents lower than in May. The decrease was less pronounced for Diesel. On average, a liter cost 1.657 Euro in June, which was 1.2 Cents less than in the previous month. In general, there were only small price drops according to the statements.

However, things were turbulent on the oil markets. According to ADAC, June started with a price of over 80 Dollars per barrel of the Brent sort. In the first week of June, oil prices dropped to around 77 Dollars and climbed back up to approximately 85 Dollars by the middle of the month. The trend continued towards the end of the month, with the oil price currently being just under 87 Dollars.

ADAC advises drivers to fill up their tanks in the evening between 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM. At this time, fuel is significantly cheaper than in the morning. Prices are also lower between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM.

Despite the slight decrease in fuel prices throughout the first half of the year, you might want to consider refueling in the evening to save more money. Specifically, refueling between 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM can result in significant savings, as fuel prices are typically lower during this period compared to the morning. Even if you can't refuel during these specific hours, you might still find cheaper prices between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM.

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