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From Trump critic to hisRunning Mate: That is J.D. Vance

As the voice of detached America, J.D. Vance has become famous and has turned from an opponent to a fan of Donald Trump, rewarded with the prospect of the position of Vice President.

Senator J.D. Vance turned from a Trump opponent to his running mate
Senator J.D. Vance turned from a Trump opponent to his running mate

Book author and senator - From Trump critic to hisRunning Mate: That is J.D. Vance

J.D. Vance transformed from a sharp critic to a fervent supporter of Donald Trump: Now, the former US-President has chosen the 39-year-old Senator from the state of Ohio as his Vice Presidential candidate. This seals the brilliant and unusual career of the man who suddenly became famous as the voice of neglected America.

Vance was a soldier, a bestselling author, and a financier before he defended Trump's causes in Congress in recent years, such as economic protectionism and the fight against illegal immigration. However, in other matters like abortion, Vance is more conservative than Trump.

Joe Biden's campaign team labeled Vance an "extremist" who denies the result of the 2020 presidential election and advocates for a "national abortion ban." Additionally, he wants to "raise taxes for the middle class families and simultaneously push for tax cuts for the rich."

J.D. Vance once harshly criticized Trump

"I have a good memory. If you're fighting Trump and the candidates he supports today, don't ask me to vote for your bill or your projects next year," warned the Senator with the round face, neat hair, and well-groomed beard earlier this year.

His critics mocked these words and saw a certain irony: Before he defended Trump with his teeth and claws, Vance had not spared criticism of the billionaire.

In fact, Vance was anything but a Trump fan in the past. "My God, what a moron," he tweeted in 2016 about the future President. He even compared Trump to Adolf Hitler once. After his entry into politics, however, Vance became a fervent Trump supporter. Trump also helped him in his election to the US Senate.

Vance accuses Biden of complicity in assassination attempt

After the attempted assassination of Trump on the previous Saturday, the Republican Vance directly pointed at Trump's rival, Joe Biden. "The central premise of Biden's campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs," Vance wrote on X and added: "This rhetoric directly led to the attempted assassination of President Trump."

Before coming to Washington, his life took an unusual turn: He grew up in humble circumstances, in what is called the Rust Belt in the northeastern USA, marked by the decline of industry. He joined the army and later studied law at one of the most prestigious universities in the country before making a career in Silicon Valley.

Famous for his book "Hillbilly Elegy"

Suddenly famous in 2016 was Vance with his autobiographical book "Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and a Culture in Crisis." In it, he described his upbringing in a family plagued by poverty and drug problems in the white underclass in the USA. The book was later adapted into a film for the streaming service Netflix.

The great success of the book was due in part to the fact that it provided an explanation for many as to how the white working class in former industrial regions could become enthusiastic for Trump. However, the "Hillbilly Elegy" was not without controversy. Some critics accused Vance of a stereotypical portrayal of the impoverished population in the Appalachian region.

Later, he drew closer to the so-called Trumpists. With his book, he gained the attention of the eldest Trump son, Donald Trump Jr., who became a close friend. Trump Jr. is said to have played an important role in Vance's nomination as the Vice-Candidate. For Trump, Vance was an attractive Vice Presidential candidate because the junior senator is well-connected and has proven his ability to raise large sums of money for the Republicans.

  1. J.D. Vance, the Vice Presidential candidate chosen by former US-President Donald Trump, was previously critical of him, as evident in his 2016 tweet calling Trump a "moron."
  2. During the Presidential election, Joe Biden's campaign team labeled Vance an "extremist" due to his stance on the 2020 election result and tax policies that benefit the wealthy.
  3. The financial investor Trump Jr., a close friend of Vance, played a significant role in his nomination as the Vice-Candidate for the Republicans, appreciating Vance's ability to raise substantial funds for the party.
  4. After the attempted assassination of his rival, Trump, Vance accused Joe Biden of having a campaign premise that directly incited violence against Trump and leading to the assassination attempt.
  5. Before gaining prominence for his book "Hillbilly Elegy," Vance had an unusual life, growing up in poverty and drug problems in the Rust Belt of the United States, eventually serving in the army, studying law, and starting a career in Silicon Valley.
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