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Fritz!Powerline 1240 AX brings Internet to remote corners

The Fritz!Powerline 1240 AX is designed to expand the network of a Fritzbox simply but effectively via power lines. Among other things, the adapter supports the modern and fast Wi-Fi 6 standard. has tested how well the device works in practice.

The Fritz!Powerline 1240 AX test as a starter set with a Fritz!Powerline
The Fritz!Powerline 1240 AX test as a starter set with a Fritz!Powerline

Fritz!Powerline 1240 AX brings Internet to remote corners

If the router's Wi-Fi is not sufficient to reach every corner of a home, the network can be extended with additional devices. Wireless repeaters are usually the ideal solution for short distances, while powerline adapters that use existing power lines are better at bridging longer distances.

AVM has now introduced the Fritz!Powerline 1240 AX, which costs around 170 euros and is the first partner for its Fritzboxes that can also transmit in Wifi 6. It uses all three wires of power cables(2x2 MIMO) for fast transmission between the router and adapter. In the practical test, the Fritz! Powerline 1240 AX proves to be uncomplicated and functional, but cannot meet very high expectations.

Quick and easy to put into operation

As promised by AVM, installation is very simple. The Fritz! Powerline 1240 AX comes in a set with a Fritz! Powerline 1210, which is plugged into a socket near the Fritzbox and connected to the router via LAN cable. First plug in the 1240 AX in the immediate vicinity and wait until the Powerline LED lights up green. The adapter can then be connected in the room that is to be integrated into the network.

Ideally, this should be done in a mesh network. In principle, this means that the Wi-Fi is the same everywhere and connected devices are automatically transferred to the strongest transmitter. Users therefore do not have to switch networks. To set up this mode, simply press a button on the Fritzbox and adapter.

Best in a mesh network

This worked without any problems in the practical test, as described in the quick guide supplied. If you want to set up your own network with the Fritz! Powerline 1240 AX, this is almost as easy via the user interface of the adapter (https://fritz.powerline). Alternatively, you can access it from the Fritzbox start menu by clicking on its entry.

To connect devices, the adapter has two Gigabit LAN connections, which can reach 1200 megabits per second (Mbit/s) under ideal conditions. The Internet connection used in the test(FTTB) allows up to 1800 Mbit/s according to the contract. Using the Federal Network Agency's"Broadband measurement" desktop application, measured around 950 Mbit/s for downloads and 120 Mbit/s for uploads when connected directly to a notebook via LAN cable.

Practical test

The adapter has two Gigabit LAN connections.

In practice, the data rates actually achieved with powerline connections are generally much lower. This is not only due to the distance that has to be covered via power lines, but also due to interference. They are often caused by other electrical devices that are located in the same domestic power grid. Multiple sockets, junction boxes or residual current circuit breakers are also data brakes.

In the test, the Fritz! Powerline 1240 AX was plugged in about 30 meters away from the Fritzbox, where it was just outside the wireless range of the router. The adapter had a double wall socket to itself, leaving the fridge, dishwasher and other everyday appliances connected to the network.

No turbo, but fast connections

Via LAN cable, measured an average download speed of just under 130 Mbit/s; uploads were around the same speed at 129 Mbit/s. The WLAN connection from a distance of around 50 centimeters with a Wifi 6-capable device reached 104 and 109 Mbit/s.

Although this is considerably less than measured directly on the Fritzbox, the values are good and enable fast Internet experiences. To enjoy videos in 4K quality on a streaming service, you usually only need 25 Mbit/s, but never more than 50 Mbit/s.

Not much more even with 5 GHz

The practical test took place in a densely populated area in a multi-storey building, where there is a lot of interference from other networks and network devices. The wider 2.4 gigahertz band is particularly susceptible. WLAN at 5 gigahertz (GHz) may have a shorter range, but it is much less susceptible to interference and also enables higher data rates. However, the Fritz! Powerline 1240 AX only operates in the 2.4 GHz band.

On the one hand, this is a shame, as even higher transmission speeds would be possible with 5 GHz. On the other hand, Wifi 6 also enables more stable connections for many devices in the network, which at least partially compensates for the disadvantage. A comparison with data rates achieved via LAN also shows that the difference would probably be relatively small. UFor most devices in the so-called Internet of Things, the absence of 5 GHz is irrelevant anyway, as fridges, Wi-Fi speakers, etc. usually only use the 2.4 GHz band.

The low power consumption of the adapter set is pleasing. According to AVM, the Fritz! Powerline 1240 AX has an average power consumption of 6 watts, the 1210 2.5 watts. The values measured by were slightly lower, especially on the 1240 AX.


The Fritz! Powerline 1240 AX does a good job. It is quick to set up and enables fast Internet connections even in areas far away from the router. The fact that WLAN connections can only be established via 2.4 GHz is not a problem in most applications, but Wifi 6 could be more important in modern households.

Often one or the other does not matter. In this case, the Fritz! Powerline 1240E, for example, which is available in a starter set for around 140 euros, is also suitable. If 5 GHz is required and Wifi 5 (AC) is sufficient, the Fritz! Powerline 1260 is a solution, which costs around 150 euros as a duo.


