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French President Macron issues dire warning of potential internal conflict in France.

Intimidations from Conservative and Liberal Forces

Macron has already made it clear that he will not resign even if his party loses the early...
Macron has already made it clear that he will not resign even if his party loses the early parliamentary elections.

French President Macron issues dire warning of potential internal conflict in France.

Following the loss of his party in the European elections, President Macron schedules early parliamentary elections. Polls predict a defeat for the French president. With a possible triumph of extremist parties from the political margins, Macron displays concerns for his country.

A week prior to the initial round of French parliamentary elections, President Emmanuel Macron brands parties on the right and left as hazards to the nation. The ideologies of the right-wing Rassemblement National (RN) and the left-wing Party of The Unruly French (LFI) may lead to a "civil unrest," he mentioned in a podcast. Meanwhile, RN leader Jordan Bardella admits his intention for the prime ministership. His party is "prepared" for a power shift.

Macron shared in the "Generation DIY" podcast that the RN is "creating chaos and fueling civil unrest." LFI proposes a "form of separatism," and Macron added that this could also result in civil unrest. RN leader Bardella criticized these statements: "A president of the Republic should not speak such words," he told M6. He aims "to restore stability for all French citizens," Bardella added.

Macron announces snap parliamentary elections on June 30 and July 7 following his party's loss in the European elections. In the polls, the RN leads with 35%, followed by the left-green New People's Front with nearly 30%. Macron's ruling coalition lags behind at approximately 20%.

RN leader Bardella confirmed during the launch of his election program in Paris that he seeks the prime ministership but only if he receives an absolute majority in the National Assembly. If his faction secures the absolute majority, he plans for a "government of national unity," inviting representatives from civil society to join. "We are ready," Bardella stated, looking forward to a power shift after the election.

Bardella Brushes Off Scholz's Warning

The right-wing populist dismissed German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's warning against a right-wing populist victory in France. "These are political reservations of a political adversary with whom we disagree," Bardella said. If he becomes chancellor, he intends to "speak with the German Chancellor," the 28-year-old added.

Meanwhile, he announced a more confident approach for France in the EU. He intends to negotiate a reduced French contribution to the EU budget, the RN leader of the Rassemblement National (RN) stated. Bardella confirmed that Ukraine should continue to be supported. However, he denoted the provision of long-range missiles and the dispatch of French ground troops to Ukraine as "non-negotiables."

Macron Reiterates Support for Ukraine

Macron restated France's "unwavering resolve" to support Ukraine in its conflict against Russia. The president emphasized that he would not falter on the diplomatic stage and would continue to maintain France's stance in Ukraine policy. He would do so even if he had to negotiate with a premier who is less committed to supporting Kiev after the election.

Macron declared at the start of the month that he intended to form an alliance to dispatch Western military trainers to Ukraine. RN Party Leader Jordan Bardella shares the same opposition to this, as well as the provision of long-range rockets to Ukraine.

Bardella for Profession Restrictions

In terms of domestic politics, RN Leader Bardella revealed that, in case of his party's victory, certain professional restrictions for French citizens with dual citizenship would be imposed. "Key positions of the state will be reserved for French citizens," said Bardella. This is aimed at "protecting ourselves from foreign interference attempts."

Simultaneously, he scaled back or postponed several of his previous electoral promises, such as the abolition of the pension reform. As a reason for this, he cited the economic situation in France. However, in the event of a victory, he plans to decrease the value-added tax on electricity and fuel and negotiate exceptions in Brussels.

RN to Hinder Immigration

The RN leader confirmed his plans to prevent immigration – for example, through stricter requirements for family reunification and systematic deportations of undocumented foreigners. In terms of education policy, Bardella pledged a "Great Leap of Authoritarianism."

This included, for instance, a complete ban on mobile phones in school until the Abitur (French high school diploma) and the nationwide implementation of school uniforms from elementary school onwards. In contrast to the current uniform education system, a multi-tiered educational system patterned after Germany should take its place.

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