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France's recently appointed Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, unveils the latest administrative team.

France's recently appointed Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, unveils the latest administrative team.

France's freshly appointed conservative Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, is aiming for a significant leap: "No cabinet shuffle, but a brand new administration," he declared. This new administration is anticipated to be up and running within the week. A week post his appointment, the identities of those joining it are yet to be revealed. However, speculations suggest a shift towards the right-wing side compared to the previous government.

The political landscape in the National Assembly is challenging, with three conflicting factions failing to secure an absolute majority. The victors of the early parliamentary elections in July, the left-wing coalition New Popular Front, are displeased that Macron rejected their preferred candidate for the Prime Minister position.

The left promptly plans to table a motion of no confidence against Barnier and will not be a part of the government, emphasizing their stance. Barnier is currently on the lookout for left-wing figures to offer cabinet positions, acknowledging the need for a balanced administration to survive in the current political climate.

Macron's camp, which lost its majority in the election, is still divided over their level of support for Barnier. His left-leaning wing is particularly skeptical of the new Prime Minister, who gained prominence during the 2021 presidential primary campaign with his hard-line immigration policies.

"I need you, and the President needs you too": Barnier appealed to the deputies of Macron's party, Ensemble pour la République (Together for the Republic, formerly Renaissance). However, he cannot expect blind loyalty, as parliamentary group leader Gabriel Attal made clear - who also happens to be his predecessor. "We won't compromise our values," said Attal, alluding to Barnier's past demands, such as reducing healthcare for migrants.

The left-wing coalition New Popular Front, dissatisfied with Macron's choice of Prime Minister, is planning to oppose Barnier by tabling a motion of no confidence. Despite the challenges, Barnier is attempting to reach out to left-wing figures for potential cabinet positions, recognizing the necessity of a balanced administration to navigate the current political climate.

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