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France: At least 214 candidates withdraw from run-off election for tactical reasons

To weaken right-wing populists

France: At least 214 candidates withdraw from run-off election for tactical reasons
France: At least 214 candidates withdraw from run-off election for tactical reasons

France: At least 214 candidates withdraw from run-off election for tactical reasons

Five days before the decisive round of the French parliamentary election, at least 214 candidates have withdrawn from the race - in almost all cases, to prevent a right-wing populist from winning in their constituency. The deadline for registration for the decisive second round on the coming Sunday expired on Tuesday at 18.00.

Among those who will not participate in the second round, there are three candidates from the right-wing populist party Rassemblement National (RN). They could expect support from the candidates they might have helped to win later in the National Assembly.

Former party leader Marine Le Pen had previously announced that her party would seek government responsibility even if they did not receive an absolute majority. She would look for supporters, among others, among the conservative Republicans.

According to the first forecast, the withdrawal of candidates could prevent the RN from reaching an absolute majority in the second round. However, this is very difficult to estimate, as voters do not necessarily adhere to electoral recommendations. Moreover, the turnout plays a crucial role.

In the runoff election on the coming Sunday, the distribution of seats in the National Assembly will be decided. For an absolute majority, 289 of the 577 seats are required.

  1. Despite withdrawing due to fear of a right-wing populist victory, some candidates in France might still influence the National Assembly, potentially providing support to those from Rassemblement National (RN) in future negotiations during the run-off election.
  2. The reasons for at least 214 candidates choosing to withdraw from the French parliamentary election five days before the decisive round include preventing a right-wing populist from winning in their constituency, as seen in almost all cases.
  3. The upcoming run-off election in France is crucial for determining the distribution of seats in the National Assembly, with right-wing populists like Rassemblement National (RN) aiming for an absolute majority of 289 seats out of 577 to exert significant influence.

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