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"FPÖ exhibits stronger discipline compared to the AfD"

Prospect of winning elections in Vienna

Treichler characterizes Kickl's approach as provocative, confrontational, extreme, and resonating...
Treichler characterizes Kickl's approach as provocative, confrontational, extreme, and resonating with the disillusioned.

"FPÖ exhibits stronger discipline compared to the AfD" How Does the FPÖ Differ From the AfD, Yet Share Similarities?

Robert Treichler: Ideologically, there's no distinction between the FPÖ and the AfD, but the former appears more disciplined, at least as of now. It's less fractured and has avoided being associated with Nazi nostalgia for some time now. FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl recently congratulated the AfD on their election victories in Thuringia and Saxony on Instagram, viewing them as a kindred spirit, despite the AfD not being part of the "Patriots for Europe" faction in the EU Parliament. Kickl continually supports the AfD, even going so far as to refer to right-wing extremist groups like the "Identitarians" as a "right-wing NGO" in a subtle manner. Why has the FPÖ's Support in the Austrian Population Grown Despite Its Crises?

The FPÖ has been able to expand its voter base thanks to various crises: the 2015 migration crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020, and the high inflation of 2022 and 2023. On all three issues, the FPÖ holds a stance that no other parliamentary party shares: establishing a "Fortress Austria" against migrants; refusing to implement strict measures to combat the pandemic; and advocating for the termination of sanctions against Russia and military aid to Ukraine. Why is Kickl so Popular in Austria Despite His Low Poll Ratings?

Kickl has a following, but he ranks low in terms of popularity in polls (OGM/APA Trust Index) - only a politician who has announced their retirement from politics enjoys less trust. Kickl's style is provocative, aggressive, radical, and appeals to the disillusioned. In his rhetoric, he leaves no stone unturned when he criticizes his favorite targets - the elites, the EU, the "system media". At the Salzburg Festival, he said he didn't want to associate with "these hypocrites, this inbreeding party" in a speech in August. Furthermore, Kickl promises a return to an Austria that assigns fewer powers to the EU and acts independently; and to a "homogeneous" society where Austrians can enjoy their dominant culture undisturbed by migrant and LGBTQ influences. This image is attractive to about a third of the voters. What Changes Would Likely Occur if Kickl Became Chancellor in Austria?

Kickl would do everything in his power to abolish the current asylum law and would not hesitate to break EU law in the process. An FPÖ-led government would reduce the ORF's budget and risk undermining its independence. In the EU, an FPÖ government would strengthen Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and utilize its veto power to block, for example, military aid to Ukraine. Who Could Be the FPÖ's Coalition Partner?

In essence, just the ÖVP. Its chairman and top candidate, Karl Nehammer, has stated that he won't form a coalition with Kickl, whom he labels a "security risk" and "far-right." However, he doesn't rule out an ÖVP-FPÖ government without Kickl. How can Kickl be Prevented from Becoming Chancellor?

A government without FPÖ involvement is possible if ÖVP, SPÖ, and a third party like the liberal NEOS form a coalition. In this scenario, Kickl would likely spread the narrative of being the "people's chancellor" chosen by the people, whose rise to power is being obstructed by the "establishment parties."

Marko Schlichting interviewed Robert Treichler

The AfD has received support and congratulations from the FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl after their election victories, viewing them as a kindred spirit, despite the AfD not being part of a specific faction in the EU Parliament.

In Austria, some politicians and parties, such as the ÖVP's chairman Karl Nehammer, view FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl as a "security risk" and "far-right," making a coalition with him challenging, but others like the NEOS might consider participating in a government without the FPÖ and Kickl.

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