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Little foxes delight the net with workshop visit

Viral Tiktok video

Foxes are at home in many large cities.
Foxes are at home in many large cities.

Little foxes delight the net with workshop visit

Melvin Flor shares videos of old, dirty cars he works on and repairs in his workshop with his around 1000 followers. But suddenly, a pair of curious foxes have visited his Duisburg garage, making his videos go viral on Tiktok with over 500,000 clicks in a few hours. For a week now, the foxes have been returning to the workshop, providing new Tiktok content. In the comments under the videos, they are celebrated as apprentice stars. The local "WAZ" reported on this first.

Melvin Flor shares videos of old, dirty cars he works on and repairs in his workshop with his around 1000 followers. One evening, before roughly a week ago, a young fox sat before the workshop door, then came in, sniffed at the crane and oil cans, and even ventured into the master office.

"He ran around here as if he knew the place," Flor recounts. The second evening, two young foxes were already there. Since then, they have been showing up regularly at the workshop. "They come almost every minute at the same time."

"Do you come to the interview?"

The comments praise Flor for his lines in the videos. "Good evening, you two. Do you come to the interview?" Flor greets the animals in one video. Later, he scares them out of the workshop. "You can come back tomorrow, it's shift change in the pit. Have a nice evening, boys!"

What attracts the foxes to the auto shop, Flor cannot say. Although some Tiktok comments suggest they might be hungry, Flor refuses to feed them. "They're wild animals, they shouldn't get too used to me." He only once placed a bucket of water for them.

It's been known for years that foxes live in the Duisburg industrial area around the workshop. There are many shrubs and hedges - probably their den. Foxes have been seen there occasionally. But never before have they been so bold and entered the buildings, Flor reports.

Flor intends to keep his new Tiktok fans informed. If he works on his old cars after work in the next few days, his phone will be ready for the visit of the little foxes, he promises.

"The Duisburg foxes' popularity has extended beyond the local 'WAZ' and Duisburg's industrial area, as they have become international sensations, appearing regularly on social networks like TikTok."

"Despite the foxes' growing fanbase, Melvin Flor, the auto shop owner, maintains a respectful distance and avoids feeding them, ensuring these wild animals remain unaffected by human interaction."

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