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Fourth negotiation round for harbor workers is running

Harbor dispute: After several warning strikes, the port businesses and the union Verdi are back at the negotiating table.

In several harbors, the workers had laid down their work to give weight to their demands (archive...
In several harbors, the workers had laid down their work to give weight to their demands (archive image)}

Harbors - Fourth negotiation round for harbor workers is running

In a tariff conflict, employers and employees of the port industries are negotiating again. The fourth round of negotiations began this morning in Bremen and is planned to last until Friday evening, according to the Central Association of German Port Companies (ZDS).

The tariff dispute is accompanied by several warning strikes. This morning, harbor workers in Lower Saxony's Brake went on strike. "The strike started at 6 am and is expected to last until the evening," said a spokesperson for the union Verdi. The employees in Brake were called upon to participate in a demonstration at the negotiation site in Bremen. Previously, there had already been warning strikes in the ports of Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Emden, Bremen, and Wilhelmshaven.

Employers offered a wage increase of 2.9%.

Verdi demands for the employees retroactively from June 1, among other things, an increase in hourly wages by three euros and a corresponding increase in shift allowances. The duration of the collective agreement should be twelve months.

The ZDS offered a wage increase of 2.9%, at least 80 cents more per hour as of June 1. The shift allowances should reportedly rise to 3.50 euros, an increase of 33 cents.

"We were still far apart in the third round of negotiations," said Verdi negotiator Maren Ulbrich. "It's important that especially the lower wage groups are financially relieved through wage increases."

  1. The ongoing tariff conflict has led to concerns on the Employee Side, with the United Services Trade Union actively involved in the negotiation round.
  2. The Warning Strike in Lower Saxony's Brake, initiated by the union Verdi, is a response to the proposed wage increases from the Employers.
  3. The brake system of the ships in the harbor operation could potentially be affected if the tariff dispute escalates further, causing concerns for the shipping industry.
  4. The Trade Union is pushing for Tariffs that include retroactive wage increases from June 1, along with an improvement in shift allowances.
  5. The Central Association of German Seaports ZDS, representing the Employer, has proposed a wage increase of 2.9%, but this is deemed insufficient by Verdi.
  6. The harbor operation in Bremen, a key location in the shipping industry, has been affected by the Strike, causing disruptions in the Transport sector.
  7. The lower wage groups are a major focus for Verdi during the negotiation round, as they believe these groups should be financially relieved through wage increases.
  8. The latest Tariff conflict between the Employers and the Employees in the port industries is being closely watched by the Central Association of German Seaports ZDS and other relevant organizations in Hamburg and throughout Lower Saxony.
  9. The success of the negotiations in Bremen this week could have significant implications for future employment conditions and salary structures in the harbor operations across Germany.

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