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Fountains and shutters: Heat protection is a topic for municipalities

Overheated inner cities, nursing homes, kindergartens and schools with no or little protection from sunshine - Heat protection is increasingly becoming a task for the communes in Thuringen.

Hot Cities: Heat Protection poses challenges for municipalities in Thuringia. (Image symbol)
Hot Cities: Heat Protection poses challenges for municipalities in Thuringia. (Image symbol)

climate change - Fountains and shutters: Heat protection is a topic for municipalities

Multiple communes in Thuringen are now using a measures catalog for Heat Protection in cities and towns, which was developed by the state government. For instance, the cities of Weimar and Suhl plan to establish publicly accessible fountains in their respective city areas, as their city administrations indicated in response to inquiries. The Environment Ministry reports receiving increasing applications from communes for funding from the state for building measures for solar protection on buildings.

In 2022, the state and Communes reached an agreement on a so-called Climate Pact, with which the communes are to be financially supported by the state in climate protection and adaptation to climate change consequences. This year, the state has made approximately 44 million Euro available for specific measures and investments. A spokesperson for the Environment Ministry stated.

No statewide overview of expenditures

The Environment Ministry does not have a statewide overview of how the communes are using the lump-sum allocations. This will still be recorded, the spokesperson added. In Suhl, for example, people suffering from the heat can reportedly find relief from a mist fountain at the train station. In the city center, a drinking fountain is planned, a school is to be equipped with a photovoltaic system, and the city will receive 500,000 Euro in allocations from the Climate Pact this year.

Weimar is expected to receive a publicly accessible drinking fountain at the main train station in the third quarter. Another drinking fountain is reportedly planned for the place in front of the Bauhaus Museum. In future road construction projects, the construction of drinking fountains will be considered.

Approximately 60 projects in heat protection and further 33 projects for shading were funded through the "Climate Invest" program in the past years. The state supports such projects as solar shades and exterior blinds on kindergartens and schools or the greening of urban areas with trees and shrubs.

The measures catalog developed by the Environment and Health Ministry proposes relatively simple measures for heat protection. These include public notices about cooling places in overheated inner cities. Proposed measures also include heat pads for elderly people living alone, who are considered particularly endangered to health during heat.

The measures catalog for Heat Protection also encourages the planting of trees and shrubs in Erfurt's inner city to provide natural shade. Furthermore, the city is set to receive funding for heat pads and air conditioning units for elderly residents living alone to protect their health during heat waves. The Climate Pact agreement also includes provisions for the development of heat-resistant green spaces in Weimar and Suhl. The city of Erfurt is considering installing mist fountains at public places to provide cooling relief during high temperatures. The state government is also exploring the possibility of incorporating heat protection measures in new construction projects across Thuringia, including the installation of green roofs and energy-efficient building materials.

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