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Forsa poll: traffic light parties fall to record low

Who would people in Germany vote for in a general election? A survey shows: Things are not looking good for the governing parties SPD, Greens and SPD.

They have already had to overcome several crises in the coalition: Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck...
They have already had to overcome several crises in the coalition: Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck (l), Chancellor Olaf Scholz (M) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner. (archive picture)

Federal Government - Forsa poll: traffic light parties fall to record low

The traffic light parties currently only reach 30 percent in a Forsa opinion poll. This is the lowest value measured so far by the RTL/ntv "Trendbarometer".

The SPD would therefore allegedly receive 14 percent (-1) of the votes in a federal election, the Greens 11 percent, and the FDP 5 percent (-1). The Union would receive 30 percent and thus as many votes as all three traffic light parties combined. In second place, according to the survey, is the AfD (17 percent, +1). The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) comes to 8 percent (+1). The shares of the Left party are not separately listed in the survey.

The Forsa Institute interviewed 2,504 citizens between July 2 and 8. The maximum statistical error tolerance is 3 percentage points. Opinion polls are generally associated with uncertainties. For example, declining party loyalty and increasingly short-term election decisions make it difficult for opinion research institutes to weigh the data obtained. In general, opinion polls only reflect the public opinion at the time of the survey and are not predictions of the election outcome.

In the latest surveys of the opinion research institutes Infratest Dimap and Insa, the traffic light coalition is doing slightly better. In both surveys, SPD, Greens, and FDP together have more than 30 percent.

The current 30% support for the traffic light parties in a Forsa survey represents a record low for RTL/ntv's "Trendbarometer" in Berlin. If a federal election were to occur based on the survey, the SPD would likely garner 14% (-1) of the votes, while the FDP would receive 5% (-1). Despite this, the Union party manages to secure 30% of the votes, matching the combined total of the traffic light parties. The AfD, according to the survey, gains 17% (+1), placing second, while the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) climbs to 8% (+1). The Federal Government's choices during this federal election may be influenced by these shifting party dynamics in Germany.

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