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Former naval submarine: transportation on water completed

The U17's journey from Kiel to Sinsheim is coming to an end. The colossus will soon be brought ashore.

U17 has completed the stages on the water
U17 has completed the stages on the water

Heavy transport - Former naval submarine: transportation on water completed

The decommissioned Marine-U-Boat U17 has passed the following stages on the water: It reached the community of Haßmersheim in the Neckar-Odenwald-District today, where it will be pulled ashore on Friday. Hundreds of onlookers gathered at the Neckar's landing site for the Einlauffest, where U17 was welcomed with cannon shots, as the Technology Museums Sinsheim Speyer announced. In the museums, the roughly 350-tonne steel colossus will be exhibited in the future.

Fans have until Saturday to view the maritime relic in Haßmersheim up close and learn about its history and technical details. In parallel, preparations for transporting it to land are underway at the Neckar riverbank. On Sunday, U17 continues its journey. The transport is expected to reach Sinsheim on July 28.

The approximately 50-meter long U-Boat was in service since 1973 and was decommissioned by the Navy in 2010. Over a year ago, a port crane lifted U17 in Kiel onto a floating platform, which initially took the steel giant to Speyer. There, among other things, weight was removed.

The entire project costs the Technology Museums approximately two million Euros and is mainly financed through donations.

  1. The decommissioned U-Boat U17, originating from Germany's Navy, traveled through the scenic Neckar River, eventually reaching the community of Haßmersheim located in the Neckar-Odenwald district.
  2. The residents of Baden-Württemberg and even those from neighboring Rhineland-Palatinate showed great interest, gathering at the Neckar's landing site for the Einlauffest.
  3. Speyer, recognized for its rich history and numerous museums, served as an intermediate stop for the U17 before its final destination in Sinsheim.
  4. The Technology Museums in Sinsheim, known for their focus on transportation and heavy transport, will proudly display the U-Boat U17 as a significant edition to their displayed maritime relics.
  5. The Defense Ministry, supporting the project, recognized the historical value of preserving the maritime past, contributing to the U17's preservation and eventual display.
  6. For those interested in German technology and maritime history, a visit to the museums in both Speyer and Sinsheim would provide an unparalleled opportunity to learn about the decommissioned U-Boat U17.
  7. The Neckar-Odenwald district, known for its picturesque landscapes and historical sites, has now gained additional appeal as a significant stop on the U-Boat U17's journey from water to land, marking a unique moment in Germany's naval history.

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