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Former French President Hollande contends for a spot in upcoming elections

Remarkable judgment made

France's ex-President Hollande stands as a candidate in new elections
France's ex-President Hollande stands as a candidate in new elections

Former French President Hollande contends for a spot in upcoming elections

Ex-French Prez, Francois Hollande, throws his hat in the ring for the upcoming French Parliament polls, shocking many. He made this move in his hometown of Correze, expressing grave concerns about the current state of affairs, stating "things are worse than ever." The far-right threat is on the rise, "since our liberation from the Nazis, the far-right has never been this close to wielding power."

Hollande, now 69, acknowledges that it's somewhat unusual for a former head of state to compete as a candidate in a constituency. He was a dip from Correze from 1988 to 1993 and from 1997 to 2012, and served as the Prez of France from 2012 to 2017.

Hollande backs the unification of leftist parties to keep the far-right Rassemblement National (RN) at bay. Regarding taking on the role of Prime Minister again, Hollande said, "I've been the President of the Republic, I'm not gunning for a personal gig." He encourages the French to nix the right-wing populists in the second round of voting.

A week back, the far-right nationalist party Rassemblement National (RN) grabbed approximately 31.5% of the votes in the European elections. In response, France's President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the Parliament and called for early elections to the National Assembly. These elections take place in two rounds on June 30 and July 7.

As per polls, the RN could score similar high results in the Parliament elections. This would give the party the upper hand in Parliament and potentially allow them to appoint the Prime Minister.

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Hollande, with his exceptional political experience as the ex-President of France, aims to make a significant impact in the upcoming New elections for the French Parliament, positioning himself as a candidate. His decision to vie for a seat in his hometown of Correze stirred intrigue, as he expressed concern about the current state of affairs in France. The far-right threat, according to Hollande, is at its peak since France's liberation from the Nazis, making these elections crucial.



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