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Former Berlin ambassador of Belarus is dead

Window crash after KGB interrogation?

Sidorenko here in May 2020 commemorating the victory over Nazi Germany.
Sidorenko here in May 2020 commemorating the victory over Nazi Germany.

Former Berlin ambassador of Belarus is dead

Apparentely, he became a problem for the regime: the recalled Belarusian ambassador to Germany, Denis Sidorenko, who advocated for good relations with the EU. Now, the diplomat Denis Sidorenko, who is 48 years old, has died under mysterious circumstances in Minsk.

After being recalled as the ambassador to Germany, Diplomat Denis Sidorenko died in his native Belarus at the age of 48. The Foreign Ministry in Minsk only announced his death after reports from independent Belarusian media. The ministry stated that their "beloved colleague, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of Belarus in Germany (2016-2024)", had passed away. No cause of death was given.

Several independent Belarusian media, which operate in exile abroad, reported that the father of a family had jumped out of a window of a high-rise building in Minsk on June 24th. There was no official confirmation of a suicide.

Authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenko had recalled Sidorenko, who had also served in the civil service during the protests against him in 2020, which were then brutally suppressed. Lukashenko had declared victory in a manipulated election, causing many pro-Western Belarussians to remain abroad or flee. Lukashenko governs Belarus with an iron fist, continues to carry out capital punishment, and allows no free media reporting.

A Man with Democratic Views

The opposition politician Pavel Latushko, who lives in exile in the EU and was once a diplomat himself, said that Sidorenko was a man with pro-European and democratic views. However, he had decided to serve Lukashenko's regime, returned to Belarus, and became a problem for the apparatus, Latushko told the Belarusian Internet portal "Serkalo". The medium also spoke with other former diplomats. According to the report, Sidorenko experienced severe psychological stress due to the lie detector tests of the KGB.

The Foreign Ministry in Minsk only released a statement after the funeral: "As a talented and responsible diplomat, a professional and patriot, he earned the deserved authority and respect of his colleagues and partners both in the Republic of Belarus and beyond its borders. This is a great loss for the diplomatic family of Belarus." Sidorenko will be remembered "as a wonderful person, a caring and compassionate colleague, a reliable friend and comrade." In the past year, the Belarusian Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei also died suddenly at the age of 64.

  1. Denis Sidorenko's death comes at a time of heightened tensions between Belarus and the EU, with Russia reportedly supporting Alexander Lukashenko's regime during the Attack on Ukraine and various Wars and conflicts.
  2. The EU has expressed concern over the circumstances surrounding Sidorenko's death, calling for a thorough investigation into Murder and manslaughter, given Lukashenko's history of suppressing political dissent and carrying out capital punishment.
  3. Some believe that Sidorenko's pro-European views and advocacy for good relations with the EU could have put him at odds with Lukashenko's regime, potentially explaining why he became a "problem" for the Belarusian apparatus.
  4. Amidst calls for accountability and justice, the international community is watching closely to see how Russia, as a key ally of Belarus, responds to this latest incident in Belarusian Politics and the broader context of Wars and conflicts in the region.

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