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Forest authorities warn drivers of love-struck reindeer

In Thuringen, deer mating season begins at the end of July. ThuringenForst warns for special attention.

Drivers must be cautious of love-struck roe deer (archival photo)}
Drivers must be cautious of love-struck roe deer (archival photo)}

pairing time after end of July - Forest authorities warn drivers of love-struck reindeer

Before the mating season of the roe deer, the Thuringian Forest Authority calls on drivers to be particularly vigilant. The amorous roe buck often drives does for kilometers ahead of him, disregarding the surroundings and traffic, as the ThuringenForst states. From late July to mid-August, therefore, drivers are recommended to pay particular attention on roads through forests and fields and to watch out for wildlife crossing signs.

According to the information, a roe deer weighs around 850 kilograms when traveling at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour, which is the weight of a grown ox. However, the animals actually only weigh about 20 kilograms.

ThuringenForst-Board Member Volker Gebhardt gives drivers the following tips: "If a roe deer crosses the road, you should expect more, following deer." Wild accidents should be reported to the police immediately. On the one hand, to alleviate the suffering of injured animals. On the other hand, to maintain insurance coverage. Drivers should under no circumstances attempt to swerve dangerously to avoid a roe deer on the road. The driver often endangers himself and other road users in the process.

In the pairing time of roe deer in Thuringia, it's crucial for drivers to exhibit vigilance, especially on forest and field roads, given the roe buck's tendency to ignore traffic while chasing does. As mentioned by ThuringenForst, reporting any wildlife accidents immediately to the police is essential, not only for the welfare of injured animals but also to preserve insurance coverage. Despite the deceptive weight of 850 kilograms mentioned in some sources, a real roe deer only weighs around 20 kilograms, emphasizing the importance of level-headed driving to avoid potential collisions.

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