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Forecast: Clear election victory for Labour in the UK

For more than 14 years, the Conservative Party dominated British politics. That has come to an end. With a clear victory, Labour moves into Downing Street. The country is on the brink of a new era.

Keir Starmer's Labour Party has won the British general election.
Keir Starmer's Labour Party has won the British general election.

Election in Great Britain - Forecast: Clear election victory for Labour in the UK

The Labour Party led by Keir Starmer is predicted to have clearly won the parliamentary election in Britain. The 61-year-old could therefore become the successor of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, whose Conservative Party suffered a heavy defeat.

According to the forecast, Labour is set to receive 410 of the 650 seats. The Conservatives are predicted to receive 131. However, it could still take hours for all votes to be counted. But what is most significant about the election results is no longer in question: The 14-year dominance of the conservative Tories is over.

Less enthusiasm for Labour than disdain for the Tories

The predicted result is surprising: Surveys have been predicting a clear victory for the Labour Party for a long time. Sunak, whose party had to deal with scandals and economic struggles leading up to the election, could hardly catch up in the campaign.

According to renowned pollster John Curtice of the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, the clear outcome of the election is not primarily due to enthusiasm for Labour, but rather disdain for the previous ruling party. Sunak was already the third prime minister of his party during the past legislative period, which was marked by economic stagnation and sharply rising living costs.

Starmer could stand in Downing Street as new prime minister as early as Friday

Labour leader Starmer has led the Labour Party back to the political center in recent years after it had moved significantly to the left under his predecessor Jeremy Corbyn. At the same time, he took a firm stance against anti-Semitic tendencies within his own ranks.

However, the previous opposition leader remained rather vague in many areas, such as plans for possible rapprochement with the European Union. Commentators compared his cautious approach to carrying a porcelain vase from the Chinese Ming Dynasty.

The power transfer in Britain will be swift. As soon as the official result is known, Starmer will be commissioned by King Charles III to form a government and then deliver a speech in Downing Street outlining his vision for Britain.

Starmer's potential victory in the election could potentially see him move into 10 Downing Street, replacing Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. The forecast suggests that if the results hold, Starmer and the Labour Party could secure an election victory in Great Britain, with predictions indicating a substantial lead over the Conservative Party. This shift in power may be largely due to the disdain of voters towards the Conservative Party's 14-year reign, marked by economic stagnation and rising living costs. After King Charles III formally commissions Starmer to form a government, the new Labour leader is expected to deliver a speech outlining his vision for Britain from the iconic steps of Downing Street.

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