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Forbidden sex in custody - and a child

Intime relationships can occur in custodial settings - a female employee and an inmate are reportedly having a child at the Bad Rehburg facility. The question is: Has the woman committed an offense?

A child is supposed to have come from the relationship (archive photo)
A child is supposed to have come from the relationship (archive photo)

Justice - Forbidden sex in custody - and a child

A female employee at the Correctional Measures Facility in Bad Rehburg, part of Rehburg-Loccum, is alleged to have had a forbidden romantic relationship with an inmate and given birth to a child from it. A spokesperson for the Lower Saxony Health Ministry confirmed the case, as reported by the local newspaper "Die Harke." Romantic relationships between employees and inmates are not allowed - they occasionally occur.

The Correctional Measures Facility in Bad Rehburg is currently investigating what transpired and what the consequences of the case might be, the ministry spokesperson said. The consequences, whether legal or employment-related, are still unclear. The employee could potentially be held criminally liable, as the patient in question was under her protection. The child - a boy - is reportedly born last year.

Three suspected cases of intimate relationships

The spokesperson described the case as "still relatively open." He did not comment on potential consequences for the Woman, nor on whether she was still in service or on leave. According to the ministry, there have been three suspected cases of intimate relationships between employees and patients in Bad Rehburg since 2010. These cases could not be resolved, he emphasized.

Bad Rehburg is one of three locations in Lower Saxony for the treatment of alcoholic, drug-addicted, or mentally ill offenders under correctional measures. The other two locations are Moringen (in the Landkreis Northeim) and Brauel (in the Landkreis Rotenburg).

  1. The alleged incident took place at the Correctional Measures Facility in Lower Saxony's region of Rehburg-Loccum, specifically in Bad Rehburg.
  2. The Nienburg District's Justice system may need to take measures if it's found that the female employee had a love relationship with an inmate and violated her professional obligations.
  3. Ms. [Name not given] gave birth to a boy from her relationship with the inmate, which is considered highly inappropriate within the context of her employment.
  4. The Bad Rehburg facility has a history of suspected intimate relationships between employees and patients, with three such cases reported since 2010, but none were successfully resolved.

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