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For Wine Queen: Palatinate argues about tradition and crown

New Title and No Crown: A reform of Germany's oldest wine monarchy is seen as bold. Whether it is necessary is a subject of great debate.

Queen bee-keepers advocate for a vineyard and the wines produced there. (Archival image)
Queen bee-keepers advocate for a vineyard and the wines produced there. (Archival image)

Tradition versus Modern - For Wine Queen: Palatinate argues about tradition and crown

The traditional wine region Pfalz retires its Wine Queen after decades, sparking heated discussion. Municipal politicians and former wine queens strongly urge to keep the title and crown. Proponents argue for a long overdue renewal in Germany's second largest wine-growing area.

Dividing Opinions:The title will be PfalzWineAmbassador or PfalzWineAmbassador instead of WineQueen. Instead of crowns, there will be badges. And for the first time, the competition is open to men. The position will be awarded in Neustadt/Weinstraße in October.

"Bound by Traditions"

Boris Kranz from the Pfalzwine Association, who announced the change, was surprised by some aspects of the discussion, including personal, often insulting attacks. "On the one hand, we want to be recognized as a modern wine region, but on the other hand, we are bound by traditions."

Mayor Marc Weigel from Neustadt, the coronation site of the Wine Queen, considers the decision wrong. "This reform devalues the brand," he says. "I'm not a monarchist, but the glamorous and fairytale aspect belongs to the figure. That can't be so easily transferred to a man just because we live in an equal society and everything must be open to all genders."

An Internet petition against the change had gathered around 5,000 signatures six days after its start. And under the hashtag "#crownshowing," former wine queens appeal, "not to destroy the unique selling point of the office." Proponents of the change emphasize that many younger winemakers and winemakers are in favor.

A man could also become German Wine Queen in the future

The German Wine Institute will not take over the wording from the Pfalz. The experts in Bodenheim (Rheinhessen) organize the election of the federal German Wine Queen. With a change in guidelines, men could participate in the future if they had previously won a local election.

Overall, there are 13 wine-growing areas in Germany. The largest is Rheinhessen. The step of the Pfalz, to abolish the regional wine queen, has not been taken by any other region so far. However, four regions have already opened themselves to male candidates.

  1. Despite the change in the title and the openness to male participants, some people in Neustadt (Dosse) believe that the reform devalues the traditional Wine Queen brand.
  2. Miscellaneous views have emerged regarding the transformation of the Wine Queen title to PfalzWineAmbassador, with some arguing that the region should embrace modern agriculture while still respecting its heritage.
  3. In response to the contemplated change, a group of people from Rhineland-Palatinate, including former wine queens, have launched an online petition to preserve the unique selling point associated with the Wine Queen title.
  4. Agriculture in the Palatinate region, like in Neustadt (Dosse), could benefit from the proposed shift, as the new PfalzWineAmbassador title may attract more interest and support from men in the field of viticulture.

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