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For the new era: China holds military exercises with Russia

Ukraine-War in Real-Time

Australian police take away the 62-year-old suspect.
Australian police take away the 62-year-old suspect.

For the new era: China holds military exercises with Russia

China is holding joint military exercises with Russia off its coast, according to Chinese statements. The exercises named "Joint Sea-2024" reportedly began at the start of July and were set to last until mid-month, according to the Chinese Defense Ministry. The exercises are taking place in the sea and airspace near the city of Zhanjiang in the southern province of Guangdong. The ministry explained that these joint exercises aim to "demonstrate the determination and capability of both sides to respond jointly to threats to maritime security and maintain global and regional peace and stability." They also aim to "deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Russia for the new era."

11:47 Ukrainian Prosecutor General to Bring Alleged Russian Artillery Shelling of Children's Hospital to International Criminal Court
The Ukrainian Prosecutor General intends to bring the alleged Russian artillery shelling of a children's hospital in Kiev to the International Criminal Court (ICC). "Cases like an intentional attack on the largest children's hospital in Kiev should end up at the ICC," said Andrij Kostin. Russia denies responsibility for the shelling and attributes it to a Ukrainian missile defense system malfunction. Experts dispute this, stating that a missile defense rocket would have caused multiple small craters or depressions at the impact site, rather than a half-collapsed building like in Kiev.

11:14 Ukrainian Separate Jagdbrigade: "Wonder of Technology" Captured
The Ukrainian 68th Separate Jagdbrigade reports on social media about the capture of a modern T90-Proryv tank. This refers to the most advanced version from the T90 series and is one of the most advanced combat tanks in the Russian military. The Ukrainian brigade refers to it as "a wonder of technology." The captured model is reportedly in a nearly functional state. The soldiers cannot be independently verified, but they have published numerous photos. The soldiers also report the capture of a T-80 combat tank and a BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle. Their plans include using the three vehicles against the Russian invaders.

10:52 Interior Ministry Sees "Substantially Increased Threat from Russian Aggression"
Amid reports of assassination plans against Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger, German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser emphasizes the resolve of German security agencies. "We do not comment on individual threat situations," said the SPD politician. "We take the significantly increased threat from Russian aggression very seriously." Russian President Vladimir Putin aims to undermine support for Ukraine, according to Faeser. "But we will not be intimidated." Security measures have been significantly increased in response to Russian threats over the past two years. "The threats range from espionage, sabotage, and cyberattacks to state terrorism."

10:27 "US Election is the Greatest Risk Factor for Ukraine"
NATO announces that Ukraine will join the military alliance - after the war ends. This news does not cause euphoria or hope in Ukraine, according to journalist Denis Trubetskoy.

10:03 Russian research vessel damaged
A modernized Russian research vessel was reportedly damaged during tests in the European North Sea, according to Ukrainian reports. The Ukrainian military intelligence service HUR stated that the crew lost control during the launch of AS-36 on July 1st. Consequently, the Russian research vessel sustained damages that prevented it from continuing the tests, Telegram reported. Russia is currently assessing the damage and the time required for repairs.

09:32 Russian "troll army" spread propaganda for AfD before EU election
Anonymous sources allegedly attempted to influence the EU election through covert social media campaigns, according to a report by "Spiegel." An analysis by the private research institute Trollrensics, which evaluated the activities of so-called troll armies in Europe on behalf of the Dutch Social Democrats, revealed that the AfD in Germany profited most from the hidden support. A massive amount of posts advocating for the AfD on the X platform were spread by a small group that used thousands of accounts. The analysts believe that this network is likely a Russian-controlled group.

09:04 Increase in GPS disturbances - ISW sees increasingly intense hybrid campaign from Moscow
Finnish authorities report an increase in GPS disturbances in the past week. Most of the GPS and radar disruptions in the air and maritime traffic are believed to originate from Russia, according to the Institute for the Study of War. A Finnish lighthouse keeper reported experiencing severe GPS and radar disruptions while guiding boats near Kotka and Hamina on the Finnish south coast. The GPS was unavailable for approximately 90% of the route between the Orrengrund Lighthouse Station and the Hamina Harbor. This aligns with reports of Russian GPS disruptions in the Baltic states and other European regions, according to the ISW. It is likely that the Russians from the Kaliningrad region also disrupted the GPS of a plane carrying the British Defense Minister Ben Wallace and forced Finnair to cancel several flights from Finland. The ISW's conclusion: "Russia's apparent GPS disruptions are likely part of an intensifying hybrid campaign by Russia, which directly targets NATO countries, aiming to undermine support for Ukraine and NATO unity."

08:37 Kiev: Five Russian cruise missiles intercepted - Russians apparently aim to overload air defense
The Ukrainian Air Force reportedly intercepted all five Kalibr cruise missiles of the Kh-101 type fired by the Russian military towards Ukraine. Eleven out of 19 drones were also destroyed. The primary target of the Russian attack was the city of Starokostyantyniv, which houses a significant military airport. The city is located in the Oblast of Khmelnytskyi in western central Ukraine. The eleven drones were intercepted over six regions, including Sumy, Kiev, Khmelnytskyi, and Mykolayiv. The Ukrainian Air Force did not provide information on the fate of the remaining drones. "It is likely that the enemy is imitating drone attacks to overload air defense. There is no information about casualties or damages."

08:22 Green defends Stationing Plan: It's about Protection

Green Fraction Vice Chair Agnieszka Brugger justifies the planned rearmament with far-reaching US weapons in Germany. She understands if many people have associations with the Cold War, says the defense expert in Deutschlandfunk. These measures are not a contribution to arms race but serve defense. In the 80s, two power blocs stood against each other, both of which did not want maximum escalation, explained Brugger. However, there were many dangerous situations back then. Today, there is a brutal aggressor who is breaking international law, has switched to a war economy, and is waging the cruelest war against Ukraine. It's about solidarity and protection with the stationing plan, but not about aggression.

07:53 Shocked by Attack on Children's Clinic: Russian Pilot Leaked Apparent Commander Data

A Russian pilot is reported to have provided confidential information to the Ukrainian Military Intelligence Service (HUR), contributing to the identification of 30 commanders of the Russian heavy bomber aviation division. This is reported by "Kyiv Independent" based on a confidential source from the intelligence service. The Russian pilot, who is said to serve in the 22nd heavy bomber aviation division, contacted the HUR on July 8 after the devastating Russian attack on the children's hospital in Kiev. This shocked him so much that he decided to take this step. The pilot is said to have passed on personal information, including photos and other confidential documents, of over 30 Russian commanders.

07:28 Rheinmetall CEO: Russian Wear-Out War Can Last Forever

Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger assumes that the war in Ukraine could last a long time. The current wear-out war damages the Russians as well. "But it can last forever, Russia has completely converted its industry to war economy", says the manager in conversation with the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung". Papperger also expects sustained growth for the Düsseldorf weapons manufacturer. The turnover is expected to increase by 40% in this year.

07:05 Threats against Rheinmetall CEO? Alleged Russian Agents Were Reportedly Already in the EU

The threat to Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger from alleged assassination plans was apparently more concrete than known. According to information from the "Spiegel" from security circles, Western intelligence services observed suspicious trips of suspected agents in recent months. The men were said to come from countries of the former Soviet Union, at least one from Russia. Some were already in the Schengen Area, others had planned entries. Suspicious individuals were detected not only near the Rheinmetall headquarters but also at Papperger's travel destinations abroad. Senior officials suspect that these could have been "proxies" of Russian intelligence services – hired hands.

06:49 Heusgen: Berlin underestimates the gravity of the situation

The chief of the Munich Security Conference, Christoph Heusgen, criticizes the German government for its communication regarding the Ukraine war. "The German defense minister speaks frankly and says that we need to be battle-ready," he says. However, his cabinet colleagues still underestimate the seriousness of the situation. "I still have the feeling that most responsible politicians believe they can give the population a watered-down version and say: 'We're dealing with an aggression like in the Cold War'," he laments. Putin has set himself the goal of restoring the old Soviet Union. "This is all still being downplayed a bit here," so Heusgen. "People need to be given a clear and honest account of what Russia has broken in treaties, how Russia is arming, that Russia has nuclear-capable missiles stationed in Kaliningrad that can reach Germany."

06:22 Spying for Russia: Australian couple arrested

Two Australian citizens of Russian descent have been arrested in Australia on charges of espionage. The 40 and 62-year-old couple are accused of obtaining materials from the Australian military to give to Russian authorities, according to the Australian Federal Police. The wife is a soldier in the Australian military. The Australian authorities accuse the couple of preparing a spy offense. The maximum sentence for this offense is 15 years in prison. The couple's exposure was a complex operation of a special taskforce of the police and the intelligence service, according to Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw.

05:55 Horror after report on assassination plans: "The Putin regime is now targeting German citizens"

A CNN report on alleged Russian assassination plans against Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger has caused outrage in Germany. "It shows once again that Russia is bringing its war and terror to Europe," says the chairman of the Defense Committee, Marcus Faber of the FDP to the "Bild" newspaper. "The Putin regime is now targeting German citizens." The chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Michael Roth of the SPD, tells the paper that Putin is not only waging a war of annihilation against Ukraine, but also against its supporters and our values. According to CNN, US intelligence services discovered plans of the Russian government to assassinate Papperger in early 2021. The German side was informed and Papperger was subsequently given increased protection.

05:18 Hungary accuses NATO partners of moral hypocrisy and failure

The Hungarian government accuses its NATO partners of moral hypocrisy and failure in dealing with Russia's attack on Ukraine at the end of the NATO summit in Washington. "We will continue to advocate for dialogue and diplomatic channels, as the current strategy of the last two and a half years has been a total failure," says Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, according to a spokesperson in a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Szijjarto represented Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who left the summit early to meet with former US President Donald Trump in Florida.

04:35 Britain calls on NATO allies to increase defense effortsBritish Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced at the NATO summit in Washington a plan for his government to increase defense spending to 2.5 percent of the Gross Domestic Product. At the same time, he urged other allies to do the same. Currently, 23 out of the 32 NATO members spend two percent of their Gross Domestic Product on defense. However, given the serious security threats, more needs to be done, according to Starmer.

03:30 Biden: I would speak with Putin if he were open to changeUS President Joe Biden currently sees no point in holding talks with Russian President Putin. In general, he is open to speaking with any state or government leader - including Chinese President Xi Jinping, Biden said at a press conference following the NATO summit. This also applies if Putin calls him. "I'm saying that I'm willing to talk to anyone, but he has to be willing to change his behavior," Biden said.

02:32 NATO Ukraine Command setup begins in WiesbadenThe setup of the new NATO-Ukraine Command for coordinating weapons deliveries and training activities for the Ukrainian armed forces begins today in Wiesbaden. However, the commander for Europe will likely still need several months to set up the command so that it can take on all planned tasks, according to NATO representatives on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington. Until then, US forces will continue to handle the coordination. The deployment is also intended to be a precaution for the possibility of a return of Donald Trump as US President in January 2025.

01:58 Scholz rules out unlimited weapons use against RussiaFederal Chancellor Olaf Scholz rejected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's call to lift all restrictions on the use of Western weapons against Russian territory. "Nobody is changing the previous guidelines and regulations - for good reasons," Scholz said at the end of the NATO summit. "We want to support Ukraine as much as possible, but we also want to prevent the war from escalating into a war between Russia and NATO." Zelenskyy is primarily concerned about military bases in the Russian hinterland from which rocket attacks on Ukraine are launched. More than 40 civilians, including children, were killed in attacks on Ukrainian cities on Monday.

01:25 Scholz on attack report: We are aware of the threatsIn connection with a media report about Russian hacking plans against Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger, Chancellor Olaf Scholz referred to Russian threats at the NATO summit in Washington. "I won't say anything about that in detail," Scholz said. "But I would be happy to tell you that we are already very well aware that we are exposed to various threats from Russian activities."

00:40 UN calls on Russia to withdraw from Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power PlantThe United Nations General Assembly calls on Russia to withdraw its "military and other unauthorized personnel" from the Ukrainian Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and place it back under the full control of Ukrainian authorities, according to a UN Resolution passed with 99 Yes-votes, nine No-votes, and 60 abstentions. The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, the largest in Europe, was taken over by Russia shortly after its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Although it has been shut down, it requires external energy to keep the nuclear material cool and prevent a nuclear meltdown.

23:36 Pistorius expects correction in budget 2025German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius is convinced that there will be changes in favor of the defense budget in the 2025 budget draft. "I assume that further talks will lead to changes," says the SPD politician in ARD. He will not stop advocating for the Bundeswehr to be equipped so that it can fulfill its mission.

22:46 Kremlin: "On the way to a Cold War"Russia criticizes the planned deployment of US long-range weapons in Germany as a return to the Cold War. "We are on the way to a Cold War. This all happened before," says Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov to Russian state television. Peskov accuses Germany, the US, France, and the UK of directly intervening in the conflict in Ukraine. "And all the signs of the Cold War are returning - with confrontation, with direct confrontation between adversaries," he says. "All this is being done with the goal of undermining our country. All this is being done to ensure our strategic defeat on the battlefield," emphasizes Peskov. However, during the Cold War, Europe experienced peace. Russia began its war against Ukraine in 2014, which it intensified again in 2022.

21:34 Zelenskyy: Restrictions on western weapons must endUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy demands the lifting of all restrictions on the use of western weapons against Russian territory at the NATO summit in Washington. "If we want to win and save our country, then all these restrictions must be lifted," emphasizes the Ukrainian leader. The restrictions mainly concern military bases in Russian territory from which rocket attacks are launched. "If they attack us and kill our children, it's crazy to ask why we can't attack that military base," says Zelenskyy.

20:58 USA announces further aid package with Patriot systemUS President Joe Biden announces a new aid package for Ukraine worth $225 million. Part of the package includes a Patriot system, which is intended to strengthen Ukraine's air defense against Russian air attacks. In addition, the package includes NASAMS missile defense systems, multiple rocket launchers of the HIMARS type, and artillery ammunition with calibers of 155 and 105 millimeters, according to the US government. The weapons come from US military stocks.

20:19 Stoltenberg accuses Russia of intimidation campaign against NATONATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg reports on a Russian campaign of hostile actions against NATO. It aims to intimidate NATO members and prevent them from supporting Ukraine. However, this approach has had the opposite effect, Stoltenberg says at the NATO summit in Washington.

All former developments can beread here.**

1. The Ukrainian Prosecutor General intends to bring the alleged Russian cyberattack on Ukraine's critical infrastructure to the International Criminal Court, citing Russia's role in the Ukraine-Conflict.

2. Volodymyr Zelenskyy has condemned the ongoing Russian military deployments near Ukraine's borders, calling for stronger political support and military aid from NATO.

3. NATO has expressed concerns over Russia's use of cyberweapons in the Ukraine-Conflict, with experts suggesting that Moscow is engaging in a form of digital "Attack on Ukraine."

4. The Russian military has been accused of launching a series of cyberattacks on Ukrainian critical infrastructure, causing significant disruption to the country's energy, communications, and banking sectors.

5. NATO leaders have agreed to increase their investment in cyberdefense capabilities, recognizing the growing threat posed by state-sponsored cyberattacks, such as those observed in the Ukraine-Conflict.

Australian police take away the 62-year-old suspect.

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