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For Joe Biden, it is becoming increasingly uncomfortable

Washington waits for showdown

This Thursday, the three-day NATO summit ends in Washington. The balance of Biden's evening is...
This Thursday, the three-day NATO summit ends in Washington. The balance of Biden's evening is eagerly anticipated - though less so about the NATO summit itself.

For Joe Biden, it is becoming increasingly uncomfortable

On a disastrous Wednesday, a dreadful Thursday could follow for Joe Biden. Tonight, the US President is holding a press conference to conclude the NATO summit. US media are portraying the event as a moment of decision.

The pressure on Biden is mounting. Panic has been brewing in the Democratic Party since the disastrous TV debate. But now it's out in the open.

The past Wednesday was a turning point: First, influential Democrat Nancy Pelosi spoke on morning TV about Biden's impending decision - despite his earlier announcement. Then, Hollywood star George Clooney called for a new presidential candidate. And finally, the first Democratic Senator distanced himself from Biden.

"I love Joe Biden," reads the guest article Clooney published in the "New York Times." "But we need a new candidate." The debate was sparked by the TV duel two weeks ago, during which the 81-year-old Biden appeared overburdened.

George Clooney is not an insignificant figure. Since 2008, he has supported all Democratic presidential candidates and raised significant funds for their campaigns: Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, Hillary Clinton in 2016, and Biden four years ago. He has also supported Biden this time - until now. His verdict is drastic: At a fundraiser three weeks ago, Biden looked just as tired as in the TV debate against Republican Donald Trump. "We won't win the election in November with this president," Clooney writes. And he paints grim scenarios for the Democrats: "Not only that, but we'll also lose the House of Representatives, and we'll lose the Senate."

"For the good of the country"

This judgment carries weight because it is so obvious. David Axelrod, the longtime Democratic strategist, said as much on CNN.

So far, only twelve representatives from the House of Representatives have called on Biden to abandon his presidential bid, along with one Senator: Peter Welch from Vermont. In a piece for the "Washington Post," which also came out on Wednesday, Welch urged Biden to "step aside for the good of the country." Welch refers to polling data from several states that "make clear that the political risk for the Democrats is escalating rapidly."

The Democrats currently have 48 Senators and 213 representatives. One could dismiss Welch and the others as a minority. More likely, they speak for a silent majority. Clooney, for one, writes that "every Senator and every Congressman and every Governor I've spoken to privately shares my position." And every one of them, he adds, "regardless of what they say publicly."

Even Nancy Pelosi, the 84-year-old former Speaker of the House and still influential member of this chamber, no longer finds the idea of a Biden withdrawal absurd. She made this clear on MSNBC's morning show - a show that Biden is known to watch regularly. "We all encourage him to make this decision, because time is running out."

Indeed, that's the reality: The Democratic National Convention is scheduled for August. In theory, a mere formality, as the primaries are long over and Biden has clearly won. However, the convention is also the last opportunity to swap out the candidate based on established rules.

"Let's wait and see," Pelosi says.

On the note that Biden has already signaled his decision on what she has demanded, Pelosi said: "I want him to make it, whatever he decides." She praised Biden excessively for his work at the NATO summit in Washington. Then she said something that sounded like a decision was imminent: "I have told all of you: Let's wait and see, whatever you may be thinking or telling someone in confidence. But don't put it on the table until we see how this week unfolds."

This week? The NATO summit, which Pelosi spoke of, is ending today. In the early evening local time, around midnight German time, Biden is giving a press conference in Washington. Did Pelosi hint that Biden will make a spectacular announcement there? Did she pressure him? Regardless, the press conference is expected to be exciting - not only because the question of how Biden performs is on everyone's mind at every appearance. Is he stuttering? Does he look tired or fit? Is he physically and mentally capable of leading the United States for another four years?

Pelosi is "the only person who has the weight and the eggs" to speak candidly to Biden, according to a source quoted by the "Washington Post" among Democrats. But does she speak candidly with him? And does he listen to her? CNN has already assessed that the events of Wednesday have broken the political foundation for Biden's re-election. The press conference tonight is crucial, and other US media also see it as a potential turning point. There is a showdown atmosphere in Washington. Hardly imaginable how Biden can turn around this mood.

Despite his earlier announcement, Nancy Pelosi discussed Biden's upcoming decision on a morning TV show during the NATO summit. George Clooney, a longtime supporter of Democratic presidential candidates, published an article calling for a new candidate due to Biden's performance in the TV debate. Even Nancy Pelosi, known to watch Biden's appearances regularly, has hinted that the Democratic National Convention in August still offers an opportunity to swap out the candidate, implying that Biden's ability to lead for another four years is a concern.

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