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For Hessian students, summer holidays begin

The last school day before the big holidays is not a limitless happy day for all children and adolescents - because there are reports. What to do if the grades are not as good as hoped?

Nothing like it: For approximately 850,000 schoolgirls and boys in Hessen, the summer holidays...
Nothing like it: For approximately 850,000 schoolgirls and boys in Hessen, the summer holidays begin.

schools - For Hessian students, summer holidays begin

In Hessen, around 850,000 girls and boys have started their summer vacations. Culture Minister Armin Schwarz (CDU) wished parents, children, and teachers for the long holidays "a relaxing time and much fun with friends and family". The new school year begins on August 26.

Before the start of the vacations, there are reports at the 1,800 schools in Hessen. If they go as planned, the Education and Childcare Association recommends a calm discussion. "Children and adolescents are more than the sum of their grades," said the chairman of the Hesse association, Stefan Wesselmann.

For poor grades, there may be valid reasons. Sometimes poor grades are a cry for help. Instead of punishing a child or giving them extra tutoring hours, parents should take their concerns seriously and work together with the child on the causes.

Anyone who wants to earn some money during the holidays with a student job should, according to DGB advice, only do so with a contract. "This must be concluded beforehand and clearly regulate tasks, working hours, and payment," explained DGB district youth secretary Charlotte Dick. "Dangerous work is generally taboo for children and adolescents under 18 years old." Permitted are, for example, garden work, delivering newspapers, or errands.

Armin Schwarz, the Culture Minister from Germany's Hesse state, encourages everyone to enjoy a relaxing summer break in Wiesbaden. Despite the summer holidays, discussions about school performances are still ongoing at the 1,800 schools in Hesse. Despite poor grades, there might be valid reasons that warrant serious consideration, as suggested by Stefan Wesselmann, the chairman of the Education and Childcare Association in Hesse. During these holidays, children in Germany have the opportunity to earn some money through student jobs, but they should always do so with a contract to ensure their safety and rights, as advised by DGB district youth secretary Charlotte Dick.

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