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For everyone: Leyen's plans for second term

E-Fuels, three times as many border guards and a European air defense: For her second term, Ursula von der Leyen has many plans. Can she win over the deputies for a re-election with that?

For everyone: In case of a re-election, Ursula von der Leyen intends to launch numerous new EU...
For everyone: In case of a re-election, Ursula von der Leyen intends to launch numerous new EU projects as Commission President.

Election for Commission Chairperson - For everyone: Leyen's plans for second term

What does Ursula von der Leyen do when she gets a second term as President of the powerful EU Commission? Just before the decisive vote in the European Parliament, the German top politician revealed her plans for the next five years in a speech to the deputies. Relevant because the EU Commission is the only institution in the EU that can propose new EU laws. Here's an overview by topics:

Rollbacks on fossil fuel bans and easier train travel

For her re-election bid, the CDU politician promises a push for exceptions for so-called E-Fuels. To meet the EU's climate goals, a technology-neutral approach is necessary, where synthetic fuels play a role, according to her political guidelines for the next five years. She intends to achieve this through a targeted amendment of the corresponding EU law. The EU has actually decided that only new cars that do not emit climate-damaging CO2 during operation will be allowed from 2035 onwards. The German government intervened on behalf of the FDP to allow exceptions for E-Fuels.

E-Fuels are synthetic fuels that can theoretically make combustion engines climate-neutral. However, they are relatively expensive and are particularly needed in aviation. It is more difficult to operate aircraft in large quantities electrically than cars.

Making it easier for consumers, particularly in the mobility sector, to switch to sustainable options is part of the fight against climate change. To facilitate cross-border train journeys in the EU, von der Leyen plans to propose a regulation on the uniform digital booking of train tickets. This will ensure that consumers can buy a single ticket on a single platform and that passenger rights apply for the entire journey.

Affordable housing

"Europe is in a housing crisis that affects people of all ages and families of all sizes," von der Leyen said in her campaign speech. House prices and rents are soaring. Therefore, she plans to develop a plan for affordable housing to examine the causes of the crisis and release the necessary investments. A commissioner will be appointed for this purpose.

Less dependence on critical medicines

Shortages of antibiotics, insulin, painkillers, and other medical products have been causing concern in the EU for a long time. To address this, von der Leyen, in the event of her re-election, plans to propose an EU law on critical medicines. It aims to reduce dependencies on critical medicines and active ingredients - especially in products where there are only a few manufacturers or countries.

Less bureaucracy, faster approvals

To facilitate entrepreneurial initiatives, von der Leyen promises further bureaucracy reduction. The motto should be: "Less administrative burden and reporting, more trust, better enforcement, faster approvals." She also plans to make proposals to simplify legal provisions when necessary.

Fight against illegal migration

Von der Leyen wants to significantly strengthen the European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex and increase the number of EU border guards to 30,000 people. "Secure borders will also help us to steer migration in a more structured and fairer way," she said. To reduce illegal migration, further cooperation and support agreements with third countries are also planned.

For her potential re-election, Commission President-designate von der Leyen also promises a tougher fight against organized crime and terrorism. To achieve this, the personnel of Europol's police force is to be doubled, and a new strategy against drug trafficking is to be developed.

Air Defense and European Cybersecurity

From von der Leyen, the proposal for building an European air defense system and a European cybersecurity system is to be suggested. For a joint air defense, Poland and Greece have recently pitched in. Von der Leyen stated now, "European Air Shield" can not only protect the airspace but also be a strong symbol for the unity of Europe in the field of defense.

To strengthen the defense and armament policy on the EU level, von der Leyen also intends to appoint a Defense Commissioner. He is to closely collaborate with the EU's External Action Service, which is responsible for EU leadership in external and security policy. Furthermore, investments in defense projects are to be facilitated.

Shield for Democracy

The EU, according to von der Leyen, needs its own structures for combating manipulation of information and foreign influence. Therefore, she intends to propose a "European Shield for Democracy". The new structures would bundle all competencies and ensure coordination and alignment with national institutions, she explained. The clarification, detection, and action capacities must be strengthened, but also the possibilities for imposing sanctions.

Clean Industrial Deal

In case of her re-election, von der Leyen plans to present a strategy for a clean industry in Europe within the first 100 days of the new legislative period. The so-called "Clean Industrial Deal" would channel investments into infrastructure and industry, particularly for energy-intensive sectors, it was stated. "This will contribute to the creation of leading markets for everything from clean steel to clean technologies. It will accelerate planning, procurement, and approval processes", said von der Leyen. The strategy should also contribute to reducing energy costs. Moreover, she intends to propose measures that would make it easier for investors to finance rapidly growing companies.

Legally anchoring the climate target of 2040

To make the EU carbon neutral by 2050, another interim target in the Climate Act is to be legislated. It provides for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 90% by 2040 compared to 1990. Furthermore, von der Leyen announced an EU climate adaptation plan, which is to support the member states in preparedness and planning. Since the climate is changing faster in Europe than the global average, the preparation for climate change needs to be improved. Among other things, risks and the need for precautions in areas such as infrastructure, energy, water, food, as well as the need for data and early warning systems are to be determined in the plan.

For lower energy prices, von der Leyen plans to propose suggestions for the further expansion of renewable energies. Investments in clean energy infrastructure and technologies are to be increased and prioritized - for example, in carbon-free technologies, network infrastructure, storage capacity, and transport infrastructure for remote CO2. Following the example of common European gas purchases, other raw materials are also to be bought jointly.

Fair Income for Farmers

For fair farmer income, von der Leyen also intends to propose a "Fair Farm Income" initiative. The details of this initiative are still to be worked out. She emphasized that the agricultural sector must be able to cope with the challenges of climate change, digitalization, and global competition. The initiative should also contribute to the EU's goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2050.

In the event of her re-election, Leyen intends to present a vision for Agriculture and Food within the first 100 days of her tenure. This vision aims to ensure the long-term competitiveness and sustainability of the agricultural sector within the Earth's carrying capacity. "I will fight for fair income for farmers and farmers' wives. No one should be forced to sell good food at production costs", promises Leyen.

Link to Livestream Agendas More Information

  1. Ursula von der Leyen's plans for her second term as EU Commission President include promoting exceptions for E-Fuels, a technology-neutral approach to meet EU's climate goals.
  2. In the European Parliament, von der Leyen revealed her intentions to propose a regulation to amend the EU law regarding E-Fuels.
  3. The CDU politician aims to achieve climate-neutral combustion engines through the targeted amendment of EU law related to E-Fuels.
  4. The German government, with the FDP's backing, intervened to allow exceptions for E-Fuels in the EU's decision to only allow CO2-free new cars from 2035.
  5. For cross-border train journeys in the EU, von der Leyen plans to propose a regulation on a uniform digital booking of train tickets.
  6. Affordable housing is a pressing issue in Europe, according to von der Leyen, who plans to develop a plan to investigate and address the housing crisis.
  7. During her re-election campaign, von der Leyen promised to reduce dependence on critical medicines by proposing an EU law on critical medicines.
  8. To combat illegal migration, von der Leyen wants to strengthen Frontex and increase the number of EU border guards to 30,000 people.
  9. As part of her re-election bid, von der Leyen also promised a tougher fight against organized crime and terrorism, with plans to double Europol's police force.

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