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For a few days, Germany as a whole has had large holidays

Summer vacation, all over the country: All pupils and pupils in Germany are on break starting today. A rather short state.

For a few days now, all schoolgirls and schoolboys in Germany have been on big holidays since...
For a few days now, all schoolgirls and schoolboys in Germany have been on big holidays since Friday afternoon (archive photo)

Big vacations everywhere - For a few days, Germany as a whole has had large holidays

Lastly, Bavaria starts its major holidays now. As of this afternoon, schools will be closed for a few days all over Germany. On 1st August, it will start again: Then, children and adolescents in Thuringia will begin the school year 2024/25. The last ones returning to school will once again be the Bavarians - the first school day in the Free State is on 10th September.

Traditionally, there are many different holiday start dates in Germany that the federal states coordinate with each other. In this year, there are seven different ones. A uniform holiday schedule is, for example, in effect in neighboring France: This summer, all students in France have been on vacation from 6th July to 1st September.

In contrast to Thuringia, where children begin the school year in 2024/25 on August 1st, Berlin and other cities in Germany, including Bavaria, will resume school after their holidays on September 10th. Munich, being a part of Bavaria, follows this schedule and will reopen its schools after the holidays. Pursuing their education in Germany, many children look forward to the diverse cultural experiences that cities like Berlin and Munich offer.

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