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Food processing-related chemical toxins are reportedly making their way into our bodies, according to a recent study.

Numerous hypothesized harmful plastic substances may transition from food preparation and storage to the human body, according to a recent investigation.

Unveil: Crucial Insights into Harmful "Everlasting Chemicals". It's possible that you're unfamiliar...
Unveil: Crucial Insights into Harmful "Everlasting Chemicals". It's possible that you're unfamiliar with PFAS, but odds are, these potentially hazardous substances are present within your body. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta enlightens us.

"This giant figure shows that materials used in food contact are a major contributor of chemicals in people's bodies," stated Martin Wagner, a professor of biology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, via email.

The study is the first to examine the relationship between the chemicals found in food packaging and processing materials and human exposure, added Wagner, who was not involved in the research.

A total of 79 food packaging chemicals detected in the body have been identified as causing cancer, genetic mutations, reproductive and endocrine issues, as well as other health problems, as per the research published on Monday in the Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology.

Numerous other chemicals may also be harmful, but their negative effects are yet to be discovered, said senior study author Jane Muncke, managing director and chief scientific officer at the Food Packaging Forum, a Swiss-based nonprofit organization focused on science communication and research.

"We're measuring not only the chemicals known to be used in food manufacturing, but also all the contaminants and byproducts, which we refer to as non-intentionally added substances," Muncke explained.

"These substances are always present in plastic, coatings of cans and packages, printing inks, and so on. They may not serve a specific function during food processing, but they exist anyways and seep into people, as we measure them."

The American Chemistry Council, an industry association, told CNN that its members are committed to food safety.

"It is crucial to consider all the factors while assessing potential risks, such as existing regulatory frameworks, scientific evidence, and the actual levels and degrees of exposure," a council spokesperson said via email.

"Any suggested actions that fail to take these factors into consideration might be at odds with risk-based U.S. chemical regulation laws."

However, although food contact materials conform to present government regulations, the study suggests that these chemicals might not be entirely safe, Muncke mentioned.

"We don't actually know the amount of these chemicals used in food packaging versus their use in other items like cosmetics, personal care products, textiles, and so forth," she said.

"I think it would be fantastic if there were regulatory requirements for companies to disclose the amount and type of chemicals they use in my food or plastic water bottle."

Well-researched harmful substances in food

One chemical discovered in both food and the human body by the study is bisphenol A, or BPA, which was previously used in the production of baby bottles, sippy cups, and infant formula containers but was boycotted due to concerned parents more than a decade ago.

BPA is an endocrine disruptor related to fetal abnormalities, low birth weight, and brain and behavior disorders in infants and children. In adults, the chemical has been linked to the development of diabetes, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, cancer and a 49% higher risk of early death within 10 years.

Bisphenol A can seep into food from the linings of canned foods, polycarbonate tableware, food storage containers, and water bottles, as per the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

"The study also reveals that food contact materials can contain chemicals that harm our DNA, such as heavy metals," Wagner said. "There is substantial evidence that humans are exposed to PFAS, so-called forever chemicals, from food packaging that are extremely persistent, bioaccumulate, and cause organ toxicity."

Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, are present in the blood of an estimated 98% of Americans, according to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The hormone-disrupting chemicals are so concerning that in July 2022, the Academies set "nanogram" levels of concern and suggested testing of high-risk individuals, including infants and older adults. (A nanogram is equal to 1 billionth of a gram.)

Another chemical group in food packaging that has seeped into people is phthalates, the study found. Found in shampoo, makeup, perfume, children's toys, as well as food containers, phthalates have been linked to genital malformations and undescended testes in baby boys and lower sperm counts and testosterone levels in adult males.

Previous studies have also connected phthalates to childhood obesity, asthma, cardiovascular issues, cancer, and premature death in individuals aged 55 to 64.

Only a few food chemicals are monitored in humans

In the new study, researchers compared 14,000 chemicals known to come into contact with food during the packaging process with worldwide databases that monitor human exposure to potential chemical toxins. All the research data has been uploaded to an open database for scientific use.

"We've got around 60 years of research into the migration of chemicals into food from food processing and packaging equipment. It's been extensively studied," Muncke said.

"At the same time, there are increasingly robust, powerful studies emerging about Bisphenol A, phthalates, PFAS, brominated flame retardants, and so forth that are associated with diseases in people."

What was missing from the literature was a comparison between the chemicals found in people and those known to migrate during food processing into food. Muncke and her colleagues bridged this gap by examining national and regional biomonitoring databases that track chemicals in human blood, urine, breast milk, tissue samples, and other biomarkers.

For the investigation, researchers utilized data from various sources including the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, or NHANES, which collects yearly health and nutrition data on Americans. Additionally, databases such as the Canadian Health Measures Survey, Human Biomonitoring for Europe, the Korean National Environmental Health Survey, and Biomonitoring California, a state database, were included.

The study reveals that out of the 14,000 chemicals known to seep into food during processing and packaging, only a few hundred are monitored by these programs. For instance, only 172 chemicals present in food contact materials are measured by the NHANES in the U.S., with 144 of these chemicals detected in certain populations, as per Muncke.

Wagner stated that due to the vast number of food contact chemicals, biomonitoring programs lack the ability to test for all potential exposures. This leads to an emphasis on extensively studied substances, leaving a significant knowledge gap regarding other chemicals present within our bodies.

It's important to note that just because a chemical is present in the body, it does not necessarily imply harm, said Melanie Benesh, vice president of government affairs for the Environmental Working Group, a consumer organization that monitors hazardous chemicals like PFAS.

Benesh further remarked, “You're not supposed to be born with any chemical inside of you. The question remains, do we really need these chemicals for food processing when we know others could potentially cause harm? By eliminating as many exposure routes as possible, we should strive to minimize harmful chemicals in our bodies.”

‘Recognized as safe’

Since 2000, approximately 99% of new food contact chemicals were approved for use by the food and chemical industry rather than the US Food and Drug Administration, an analysis by EWG from 2022 revealed.

During this 22-year span, food manufacturers presented the FDA with a request to introduce a new chemical only ten times. Essentially, businesses have taken advantage of a loophole for substances labeled as ‘generally recognized as safe,’ or GRAS. This allows food manufacturers to determine a substance as safe, as opposed to the FDA.

Originally meant for common ingredients like sugar, vinegar, and baking soda, GRAS was introduced in an amendment to the 1938 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in the 1950s.

A GAO report released in November 2022 highlighted the FDA's limitations in monitoring food safety, including its lack of legal authority over food manufacturers and the inability to track the review date for all food contact substances.

Last week, FDA's deputy commissioner for human foods, Jim Jones, shared with the US House Committee on Energy and Commerce’s subcommittee on health that ensuring food chemical safety is a top priority for the FDA.

Jones noted, “There are crucial gaps that need to be addressed as we work to strengthen our food chemical safety activities. Easy access to safety information and exposure data on chemicals in need of review would enable us to conduct more thorough and swift safety evaluations and reassessments. This access would allow the FDA to initiate necessary regulatory actions in a timely manner to protect consumers and uphold food safety.”

For the first time, the FDA will host a public hearing, scheduled for September 25, to discuss strengthening its evaluation of chemicals found in food, including food and color additives, food contact substances, potential contaminants and pesticides, and substances recognized as generally safe.

“This is unprecedented,” Benesh stated. “This is the first time the FDA is discussing establishing a rigorous review process that prioritizes human health and chemical safety, reinforcing some trust lost in the agency.”

The study suggests that food contact materials, which include chemicals like bisphenol A (BPA), may not be entirely safe, as they have been linked to health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and early death in adults (Wagner). The investigation also reveals that food contact materials can contain harmful substances like heavy metals and PFAS, which can seep into food and pose health risks (Wagner).

Humans encounter food contact chemicals through various means, including wrapping their food in plastic wrap, as per the insights of industry specialists.

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