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Following "Kirk", a chill sets in, before the sun's radiance makes an appearance.

Vincent's dominance will eventually yield to the emerging Atlantic low-pressure system.
Vincent's dominance will eventually yield to the emerging Atlantic low-pressure system.

Following "Kirk", a chill sets in, before the sun's radiance makes an appearance.

Weatherchannel: Germany and Surrounding Regions Endure Heavy Rain and Strong Winds - A Recap

Björn Alexander: After the departure of "Gerda", the prior hurricane "Kirk" is now traversing our region. This double whammy of low-pressure systems certainly packed a punch, with the strongest winds recorded in the southwest, reaching up to or surpassing 100 km/h even in the lowlands. Meanwhile, the Black Forest peaks witnessed winds reaching almost 160 km/h. However, "Kirk" will bid farewell to us with its final storm gusts along the coast by the evening and night, and the worst of the rain has passed.

How Much Rain Did We Get?

In the rain hotspots of Saarland and Hesse, all the way up to NRW, approximately 20 to 40 liters per square meter fell within 24 hours, with some places experiencing peak rainfall of up to 80 liters per square meter. In the Italian storm-affected areas, particularly Lombardy and Liguria, an additional 150 liters were added on Wednesday, resulting in 200 to 300, sometimes upward of 370 liters of rain per square meter in 72 hours. For context, this is significantly more than half of Berlin's annual rainfall.

Is it Still Raining in Those Areas?

Heavy rainfall is still occurring in Piedmont, Lombardy, and Liguria. The rain will continue to move eastwards, with Trentino, Veneto, Friuli, and Slovenia experiencing similar weather conditions until the night. The weather models predict approximately 20 to 50 liters of rain per square meter, with some locations even expecting 100 to 150 liters per square meter.

What's the Outlook for Vacationers in Popular Holiday Destinations in the South?

The forecast is mixed. The western and central Mediterranean region, stretching from Spain and Portugal to Italy and towards the Adriatic, will continue to see showers and thunderstorms. Additional storms are probable, so it's advisable to monitor the current observations and forecasts, especially for outdoor activities. However, the eastern Mediterranean seems to be trending towards more stable weather.

What About Travelers Heading North?

The conditions in northern regions are expected to be cold and stormy. Low "Gerda" is currently over southern Scandinavia, effectively pulling in "Kirk". The former hurricane will initially pass over southern Sweden, then travel northeast before merging with "Gerda" and an additional storm. As a result, stormy conditions and frigid temperatures are expected in the north of our continent over the coming days, with gusts exceeding 120 km/h in certain locations. Additionally, the massive low-pressure system is bringing in cold polar air.

What are the Consequences?

Heavy snowfall is taking place in parts of Scandinavia, with snow accumulations of half a meter or more. The stormy wind also causes drifting snow and temperatures below freezing, particularly in the Scandinavian mountains and towards Lapland. Overnight, the weather models predict extreme frost, dropping to or below -10°C as the skies clear up and over the snow.

Will Germany be Cold as Well?

Yes, Germany will also experience a chill.

A slight cold snap is on the way, making it noticeably colder on Friday. This will result in widespread frost, with some areas experiencing ground frost. Overall, temperatures will be slightly below average.

How long will this persist?

A high-pressure system, "Vincent", will arrive on Saturday, delivering dry conditions before the next low-pressure system from the southwest moves in. This will make the weather more changeable and milder.

What can we expect?

Following a chilly start on Saturday, as the fog clears, we can anticipate plenty of sunshine to kick off the weekend. Late in the day, denser clouds and some rain will make their way to the southwest. Temperatures will reach a windy 13°C at the coast and 18°C in the Alps.

And on Sunday?

The new low-pressure system will bring showers and isolated thunderstorms to eastern areas. Consequently, the west will soon become dry and sunny once again. Temperatures will range from 10 to 17°C, with northwest winds generating gusts in the eastern mountains.

Will the rollercoaster of weather continue into next week?

Despite increasing uncertainties, it appears that the mixed weather pattern will persist. The west will remain more unpredictable, while the east enjoys more of the beautiful October weather. Temperatures will range from 12 to 19°C and remain consistent throughout Tuesday. The west will become drier, while the southeast experiences some rain. As we look ahead, temperatures will hover around 15 to 20°C, with no significant changes anticipated.

The European Union, being a vast geographical area, has various regions experiencing different weather conditions. Despite Germany and its surrounding regions enduring heavy rain and strong winds, other parts of Europe, such as Scandinavia, are currently dealing with heavy snowfall and frigid temperatures.

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