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Folks desire to step back and catch their breath.

Moving towards conservatism

A destroyed election poster in Frankfurt am Main.
A destroyed election poster in Frankfurt am Main.

Folks desire to step back and catch their breath.

The European election outcome highlights a significant issue: people's aversion towards extensive changes should not be ignored. The traffic light parties must comprehend their need for a different balance with the citizens.

Let's not undervalue it: At least a considerable portion of AfD supporters now vote for them because they're extreme. Not due to the fact that they're extreme. These individuals have a clear perspective on life, and anything that comes from the left or the greens is the enemy to them - it needs to be violently eradicated. Compromises would mean treason.

Can we ever reach a dialogue with this group? Uncertain. The rightward trend is stronger than this hardcore faction.

Germany, along with various EU countries, is shifting towards the right. This doesn't have to be negative. For years, Germany and several EU nations were shifting towards the left. And if the CDU and CSU can enhance their standing slightly and lead the way for all other parties, then this isn't the same "right-wing shift" as the substantial growth in the AfD. Right-wing isn't the same as right-wing extremist. Declaring this is a major error on the left and the greens' part. For instance: "Right-wing" voters generally believe that gender issues are overblown and not a social advancement. Nevertheless, they want gender to disappear from ARD and ZDF. The extremists, on the other hand, want ARD and ZDF to disappear.

Voters of these right-wing parties share one commonality: they desire some type of braking.

Brake implies: exiting the euro, less competition in a globalised world, "Germany first," and no assistance to the impoverished around the world or a distant war, as it's become too costly. So you can see it. However, numerous well-paid jobs rely on the euro. And it was precisely the seamless globalization that has kept prices low in Germany for a while. Furthermore, a war has begun that we wish to exit as soon as possible, which could eventually lead to another war following the first victory.

Breathing pause means: not so quickly and so much climate protection, which makes driving, heating, and production more expensive. Not so quickly and so much change: Why should Germany cease creating world-class gasoline engines? We don't experience floods as often as before. This myopic view of problems needs to be taken seriously. Because numerous who haven't voted right-wing yet also see it in the same way. They lack the logic and understanding of what is feasible in the greens. They consider it just like Climate Protection Minister Robert Habeck, who currently states: "I've gone too far." The decline of the greens could ultimately lead to Germany conducting insufficient climate protection (and receiving less) - because the greens desired too much and too rapidly.

The critical point is the degree to which the pendulum swings to the right now and how swiftly the traffic light parties recognize that they need a new equilibrium with the people. If they're still capable of achieving this mutual realization.

Read also:

The CDU and CSU's improved performance in the European elections indicates a shift towards the right in German politics, potentially leading to a rebalancing of power with the citizens in the EU Parliament. Conversely, the AfD's gains in votes are attributed to their extreme views, which have attracted support from a certain segment of the population, demonstrating a deep-rooted opposition towards left-wing and green policies in European elections.

