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Flight traffic in Frankfurt temporarily halted due to climate activists

Flight traffic at Frankfurt am Main, Germany's largest airport, has partially resumed in the morning after a climate activists' disruption.

The annual holidays are being disrupted massively by Climate Activists of the group 'Last...
The annual holidays are being disrupted massively by Climate Activists of the group 'Last Generation' in Cologne/Bonn and Vienna (in the image), there were protests today at Frankfurt Airport.

Last Generation - Flight traffic in Frankfurt temporarily halted due to climate activists

Climate activists from the group "Last Generation" disrupted traffic at Frankfurt Airport on Thursday morning by gaining unauthorized access to the airport grounds and blocking runways at various points. The group announced this in a statement on Thursday, sharing a photo of an activist who appeared to have glued himself to the ground and held a sign with the inscription "Oil kills."

A spokesperson for the Federal Police confirmed that several climate activists were present on the field. Flights were temporarily halted. "We are doing everything we can to remove the climate activists from the field," the spokesperson said. According to the airport's website, several planes were rerouted to other airports in the morning. Shortly thereafter, a spokesperson for the Federal Police announced that all flights had been temporarily suspended. An airport spokesperson announced around 7:50 am that some flights had resumed, but not all runways were being used fully.

The group "Last Generation" had blocked the Cologne/Bonn Airport the day before and protested in Vienna. A police spokeswoman said a criminal complaint had been filed for violating the Assembly Law, endangering air traffic, and breaking and entering.

Frankfurt Airport: Climate activists target airports during summer holidays

On X, formerly Twitter, the activists wrote about the action in Frankfurt: "Today: Frankfurt Airport. The further promotion and combustion of Oil, Gas and Coal is a threat to our existence. We have come together internationally: Out of Fossil Fuels by 2030!"

In further statements, the group "Last Generation" repeated their demand from the day before to the German government, "to participate in shaping and signing a legally binding international agreement that regulates the global exit from Oil, Gas and Coal by 2030." The six demonstrators had cut openings in the fence with small pliers and had reached various points around the runways on foot, with bicycles and skateboards, according to the statement. The action was part of international protests in Germany, the USA, Great Britain, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Spain and Norway.

The disruption at Frankfurt Airport was orchestrated by the group "Last Generation," who are known for their advocacy against fossil fuels. Fraport, the operator of Frankfurt Airport, was affected by the air traffic disruptions caused by the activists. The Federal Police were involved in removing the activists from the airport grounds, as they had breached security and endangered air traffic.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

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